Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Year 2

Mrs Gilchrist  (2-Bluebells) & Mrs Fisher and Mrs Stringer (2-Snowdrops)
Other adults who work in Year 2: Mrs Speight and Mrs Dawson

Homework: Across school we encourage children to read at least 3 times a week at home.

Spellings - New spellings will be sent home on a Wednesday and tested on the following Wednesday. Please spend some time learning these with your child. 

Maths -  Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday. It will be stuck in the back of your child's green homework book. Please complete and return by the following Wednesday. Your child also has a log-in for TT Rockstars in the front of their reading diary. We are going to be working on times tables in class and it would be a great help to your child if they could learn and practise them at home using the fun, interactive qnd competative games on TT Rockstars (X2, X5, X10, X3).

Topic -  There is a topic web in the front of your child's green homework book. This homework is optional but we have tried to include fun, practical activities for your child to complete at home if they wish.
Your child also has a log-in for Purple Mash in the front of their reading diary - they can access Purple Mash to play games, be creative or practise skills across all curriculum areas, including coding. It's a fantastic resource for the children and they throughly enjoy their computing sessions in school which utilises this learning tool. Yoiur child could even share with you what they have learnt in their computing lesson on there!

PE days: 
Please make sure that your child has a PE kit to change into in school,.including suitable footwear for outdoor lessons. Please also ensure that all earrings are removed before you child comes to school.on PE days. Thank you.

Bluebells -
Snowdrops -

Themes for the year:
Autumn term:: The Victorians
Spring term: Hakuna Matata 
Summer term: Explorers

Previous class pages can be found in the archive.
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