Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2018-19  »  Year 1  »  Summer

1W Launch To The Moon!

Yesterday we went on one of our first adventures to the moon! Whilst we were on the moon, we found lots of different things, such as; moon dust, bits of litter and ice from another planet!

Astronaut Helmets!

Today we made our amazing astronaut helmets in preparation for our launch to the Moon on Wednesday! We also practiced our position ready for the launch!


We had a fantastic visit to Magna on Friday, where we learnt more about Space and the planets!


We came into school to find that a rocket had crash landed in the classroom!

Clay Dinosaurs!

We made dinosaurs using clay! Have a look at some of our fantastic creations!

Dinosaur Eggs!

Have a look at some of our fantastic dinosaur eggs! Over the past few weeks, we have used paper mache to create our egg. We then left our eggs to dry and then painted our dinosaur brown. We then used paint pens to add decoration to our eggs !

Visit from the Police!

Today we had a visit from PC Louise and PC Reuben. We gave them our police reports and told them all about Sparkles and Mr Greenwood. They took pictures of our reports so that all other police officers could help to look for them!

Dinosaur Egg!

We received a letter from Sparkles on Friday! She told us that she was safe and living in the woods nearby. She said that the reason she left, was because she was feeling really lonely! So we decided to make her some dinosaur friends! Have a look at some pictures of us using paper mache to make our egg.

Missing Dinosaur!

We came back after the holidays to find that Sparkles and Mr Greenwood had left! They left footprints behind and left through the window. We have written some fantastic police reports and created some brilliant 'missing posters.'


Year 1 are going to visit Magna on 7th June, we are very excited.

Image result for magna science musuem 

The children had great fun learning new skills. They demonstrated excellent teamwork skills to build a model using spaghetti and marshmallows. Children designed and tested aeroplanes to see which one travelled the furthest.

Multiplication - Arrays!

In Maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We spent a few lessons making arrays to show different multiplication number sentences.

Summer Term Homework!

Please find this term's #IWPSlittlethings sheet. It is also stuck into your child's homework book.

Summer Newsletter!

Please find the newsletter for the Summer term! We have included all of the key dates!