Teachers: Miss Hyde (3H) & Miss Gayton/Miss O'Brien (3O)
Other adults who work in Year 3: Mrs Kerr, Miss Lawton, Miss Wood, Mrs Abbott, Mrs Phillips, Miss Matthews,
Our Phase Governor is: Mrs Crowther
Homework days:
Maths/#little things - Tuesdays
Spellings - Wednesdays
PE days: Please ensure your children bring their PE kits to school at the start of each half term.
3H - Tuesdays
3O- Thursdays
Year 3 also go swimming every Friday. Your child needs to bring their costume/trunks and a towl in a strong bag.
Music days: Singing - Tuesdays (Mrs Tilley)
Recorders - Wednesday
Themes for the year:
Autumn: Marvellous Mayans
Spring: Deep in the rainforest
Summer: The Roaming Romans