Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 5  »  Autumn


We have created our own trenches...take a look!


Summercross, who are a local Folk band, came into school this week to share their song - Albion Street, which tells the story of 9 young soldiers who all came from the same street in Otley and what became of them. We had a great session; learning about how the song was written and how to write poetry and songs. We heard the song live, which was a really special experience and we joined in with the chorus! This work has inspired our own poetry and perhaps some budding this space for the outcome!

Imperial War Museum Artefacts

We have been lucky enough to borrow artefacts from the Imperial War Museum. Here are some of our favourites!

Signing up to the West Yorkshire Battalion

At the start of the War, and the start of Year 5, we were all recruited to the West Yorkshire Battalion (17th and 18th Regiments). We signed up, learnt how to march, packed our bags and cleaned our boots for inspection. We also created dog tags. Left right, left right, left right!

September - Place value maths

Every year we start with a recap on place is so vital for our children's understanding of number and you can't beat a whiteboard and some post-it notes when solving place value reasoning questions!

September - European Day of Languages

We had a great time on the European Day of Languages. This started well as 5P ably served us with a fantastic French breakfast of croissants, pastries and fresh fruit. It also included our classmates teaching us to count to ten in a huge range of languages from Greek to Spanish, French to Arabic.

Investors in Pupil Certificates

We celebrate our achievements every Friday morning. This week there were so many of us who had reached our personal target that we could hardly squeeze everyone into the picture! Well done to all of 5G...such a hard-working and conscientious group of children.

September - WW1 Code-breakers

The top maths brains of the West Yorkshire Regiment have intercepted enemy code. They spent the morning using the clues to solve the codes...they had a cracking time.

September - Immersing ourselves in the Great War

We have been digging deep into what it must have been like to be a soldier in the Great War. We are grateful to the Imperial War Museum, which has lent us a range of replica items. Here we are looking at the first gas masks as well as looking at what we can infer about life in the trenches from photos from the time.