Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 1  »  Autumn

Jack and the Beanstalk

The children used the story map to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Jack and the Beanstalk

The children used talk for writing and retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with only pictures to help them. They did a fantastic job.

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Dragon Hunt

Today the children went on a dragon hunt around the school grounds. The children wore their shields, helmets and rode the hobby horses. We had great fun but unfortunately we didn't find the friendly dragon!

Hobby Horses!

As part of our Castles topic, we have made some amazing hobby horses! We stuffed the sock and then used a needle and thread to add the mane and the eyes. Look how amazing they are!

Dragon Masks!

in DT, we have made some amazing dragon masks ready for our dragon hunt!

Visit from a dragon!

We came back to school after the holidays to find that we had a visit from a dragon! We watched some CCTV footage that Mr Rushfirth had given us and we discovered that the dragon was friendly. We then wrote some questions that we would ask the dragon if we met it!

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We have been working really hard in Maths, learning all about greater than, less than and equal to!

Castle Information Books!

Year 1W have been working really hard in English all week! We have made our very own information books all about Castles! We have written about the battlements, the moat, the portcullis, the drawbridge and the towers! We were all very proud of our work!

Roles of a page

The children spent the morning learning about differnet roles of a page. They explored the roles of a cook, gardener, maid and messenger. They had great fun and then went on to explain which job they liked the best.

Year One

The children have settled into year one really well and are working very hard. On our first day back a special assembly was held and the children were invited to train as knights. The children worked in groups to help transform the classroom into castles by creating thrones, stain glass windows and shields. 

Skpton Castle

The children had a brillant time at Skipton Castle and learnt lots about the features of a castle.

Settling into year one

Here are a few pictures to show what we've been up to over the last few weeks.


Here is our newsletter.


Here is a copy of our homework. Remember maths needs to be completed and #IWPSlittlethings are optional.