Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Reception  »  Autumn

Amazing Achievements

We have been really impressed with all the work Reception have been doing in the lead up to Christmas. Their hard work is paying off as we have been receiving lots of fantastic awards! Well done everyone.

Class Newsletter Autumn Term
Star of the Week
Crafty Carols Song Sheet
Crafty Carols

Reception have been learning lots of festive songs ready for our Crafty Carols on Monday 9th December. It would be great if you could help your child to practise these songs at home.

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Children In Need (15.11.19)

As part of our Celebration topic, Reception are looking at special celebratory events that take place in our community and the wider world. Thank you to Mrs Parmar who came to school to talk to the children about how her family celebrates Diwali. We have also been learning about rangoli patterns and 2D shapes in maths and have made diya lamps in art lessons.

Rosa Parks

As part of Black History Month and Anti-Racism Day, we have been learning about Rosa Parks. We watched this video and talked about how we felt in our Keyworker groups.

Rosa Parks' Story

A few children said, 'That's not fair!' and 'It doesn't matter what colour your skin is.'
'I felt sad because she went to jail.' 
'Rosa Parks said no I want to sit down!'

This is a difficult topic for young children but Reception have shown great understanding and empathy. 
Marvellous Maths

Follow our maths journey as we explore all things mathematical!

We enjoy singing number songs!
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We are learning to count back from any given number!
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Marvellous Maths

Follow our learning journey as we explore all things mathematical!

Roald Dahl Day (13th September)

What a fantastic effort for our first dressing up day in Reception. We have had some wonderful costumes from Matilda to Oompa Loompas to The Enormous Crocodile. We have been learning a little bit about the author and his stories. We have designed chocolate wrappers and even got to make some chocolate crispy buns.