Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Reception  »  Parent Partnership


28th - Reception height, weight & vision checks

11th - Safer Internet Day
11th - Stay & Play (Teddy bears' picnic)
12th - PTA KS1 & Reception Disco
14th - Valentine's Day Tuck Shop (50p for charity)
14th - Team colours / Dress as you like / Golden Time

HALF TERM 17 -23rd FEB

5th - World Book Day
5th - Roll Up & Read (9-9.15am)
16th - Class Photo Day
23rd - Book fair all week

1st —Autism Awareness Week
3rd —Team colours / Dress as you like / Golden Time

EASTER HOLIDAYS 6th April —19th April
Stay & Play Teddy Bears' Picnic (11.02.20)

Thank you so much to all the parents and family members that made it to Stay & Play this morning. It is always a pleasure and the children love sharing their learning with you in school. We look forward to seeing you again for World Book Day (Thursday 5th March).

Stay & Play (25.10.19)

Wow! What a fantastic turn out for our first Stay & Play of the year. We really enjoyed exploring all the areas of provision with our families, showing off our learning so far. Thank you to all who came. See you again soon!

Thank you to those of you who have already returned your reply slips for 'Parent Share'. Please look out for the invitation email to confirm your participation. We are very excited to share your child's online learning journey with you - children have already been asking "Can you take a photo of me and send it to my mummy?"
Useful Documents

Here are some documents that you may find useful as your child begins their learning journey at Ireland Wood. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Reception team.

Maths in Early Years

We use White Rose Maths to inform our planning in Reception. There are 5 counting principles: 1. The one-one principle 2. The stable order principle 3. The cardinal principle 4. The abstraction principle 5. The order-irrelevance principle If you would like to know more about these key counting principles, please see the attached document or feel free to ask your child's class teacher.

Dinner Menus

Thank you for those of you who have returned your child's dinner menu choices for this term. If the office have not yet received your child's dinner menu, they will be given the green (vegetarian) option every day. Packed lunches - if your child chooses to have a packed lunch, please could you ensure that they are provided with healthy and nutritious options. A copy of our school policies can be found below.

Outdoor Provision
At Ireland Wood, we aim to provide all children with access to the outdoor provision whatever the weather. Please ensure that you send your child with a waterproof coat and wellies during wet weather. We do have additional waterproof trousers and a selection of wellies in school. Some children still manage to get wet so if you would like to provide your child with spare uniform this would be extremely helpful as we have a limited supply of spare clothes. If your child does come home in spare uniform belonging to school, we would be most grateful if this can be returned as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.