Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 1  »  Spring

Fire visit

The children learnt about modern fire fighting equipment and the different parts of the fire engine. They had great fun with the hose!

London's Burning

We created the streets of London during 1666 and set fire to our houses. While they were burning we sang 'London's burning'

Tudor houses

The children worked really hard making Tudor houses as part of our curriculum.

Puddling Lane Biscuits!

Today in Year 1W we made our own Pudding Lane Bakery Biscuits! We read the recipe, weighed out the ingredients and then made the biscuits. They were really yummy!

Great Fire of London

Our topic this term is the Great Fire of London. The children will learn all about the fire, how it started, why and when. The children will locate London on the map, compare houses, make bread and visit a fire station to name a few!
Bread tasting and biscuit making

Since the Great Fire of London started in a bakery we've been looking at what you can make in a bakery. We tasted different types of bread, we then wrote sentences about why we liked or didn't like the bread. We used a tradition biscuit recipe to make Great Fire of London biscuits.

Time Capules

The children were informed some time capsules were found on the school grounds. They went on a search to find the capsule. They came across a box containing some mouldy cheese, bottle, picture and a diary entry from Samuel Pepys. The children then wrote some brilliant questions about these objects and the Great Fire of London.

Spring Newsletter

Click here to find our Spring newsletter and our homework.