Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 4  »  Spring

This half-term we are learning all about the Romans

In Maths we have been looking at multiplicaton and divison and are now learning about fractions. As always, focus on times tables is key (especially with the times table test looming).

In English we are focusing on poetry and playscripts. 
Romulus and Remus

We learnt all about the legend of how Rome began and where it got its name. We re-wrote the story and then acted it out for the rest of the class.

Roman Immersive Day

To begin our new Roman topic we explored lots of new areas. We looked at artefacts, created a timeline and even learnt Roman song!

Introducing fractions!

We began our new fractions topic with some very interactive (and tasty) activities! Some of us had to work out how to equally split a donut into eights using only 3 slices and others represented fractions using smarties.


We researched all about deforestation and discussed as a class what the reasons behind it are. Then, we split into groups and had a big debate for and against deforestation - it got quiteheated!

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is on Saturday 25th of January, 2020 celebrates 'The year of the Rat'. To acknowledge this event, in our music lesson we performed a traditional dragon parade.