Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 6  »  Distance Learning

The Yearbook 2020 (revised)
Two more 'Best bits'

We have struggled to upload any of the longer videos for our Leavers' Best Bits, but here are two more...enjoy the contributions from Niall and Alex.

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Leavers' Assembly - with a difference!
This is it, Y6s! Your final day in your final year at primary school. Ireland Wood will surely miss you all – and now it’s time to follow all the attachments we have uploaded, to help celebrate your time here. A kind of Virtual Leavers’ Assembly for 2020!

(PS try to follow them all in the right order, but if we haven’t managed to upload a file, please come back to it later!! We have done our best to try to get them all on by 2, but that may not have worked....#wonkytechnology)
We'll Shine

Sing along to this Y6 Leavers' song

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4. From Reception to Y6 Hoodies!

My, how you've changed.

6. Through the years

Enjoy looking at these photos of your time at Ireland Wood

7. Sing along to Memories, Maroon 5.

With special thanks to Maurice for his awesome guitar playing!

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8a. Yearbook MUSIC

Play this whilst looking through your Yearbook...

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8. The 2020 Yearbook

Scroll through our Yearbook - Class of 2020 whilst playing the above music in the background for a bit more ambience!

9. Mr Blackburn's Speech
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10. A-Z of IWPS
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11. Clap Out
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Wow...what a year we've had. I can't beleive we've made it to today...Mrs Amos and I are equally as sad that we can't spend today how we should be spending it...together. We're thinking of you all and please, please look forward and log on to look through our Leavers' Assembly at 2pm. There isn't much more you need to do today...

Finish shirt signing if you haven't...
Finish A-Z of IWPS if you haven't...
Finish 'My time at IWPS' if you haven't...
Write a diary of how you feel might like to look back on this madness one day.
Practise the songs for this afternoon...
Look through any other 'My times' that you've not seen yet...
Relax, have fun and get ready for this afternoon at 2pm.

Don't worry, I will be uploading ONE LAST CHEESY video for you all later lucky, lucky things,,,

Try and enjoy today,
Mrs S and Mrs A xx

The Yearbook is now up to 40 pages!! It's looking great so well done, however...that means I am still missing 17 pages so quite a few of you won't be represented in this end of year book unless I receive pages by the end of can do it!!
More exhibits

These are video files you will need...

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Ok goes. You'll need to watch the introduction video first (attached above) and then use each exhibit in turn. Once you have watched the introduction you must start a mindmap with suspects and motives. After each exhibit, you can add to this. Give yourself a few minutes in between each exhibit and think carefully. What have you learned now? Remember, each source of evidence could be valuable OR it could be leading you up the garden path. You must decide what to believe to help you solve this case! Things to consider: Can you be sure what you read is true? Is it biased in any way? You will have to sift through the evidence and make your best conclusion from what you find. T Can you be totally sure...not really. But you can use the available evidence to get as close to the truth as possible. Good luck investigators. (p.s. there is not an exhibit 5, and some of the exhibits are documents found here and some are videos found above...) NB: Notes on each exhibit: Exhibit 1 - a photo 2 - an interview with Agathon and Valeri’s next door neighbour in Athens. 3 - a diary entry from a Spartan person. They are writing about Dualla – the crazy Spartan woman. Make it clear that the account uses some characters from the Greek alphabet. They will need to think about these – they haven’t got a translator, so they need to use their knowledge to try and fill the blanks. 4 - an interview with Baltar – the Spartan warrior who was defeated by Agathon in his Olympic event. 6 - an interview with Zarek – the Corinthian nobleman. 7 - a letter from Tyrol to his master. 8 - an interview with Tyrol – the Corinthian nobleman’s slave. 9 - a diary account of the Battle of Amphipios, found on Agathon’s body 10 - a newspaper article about the death of Agathon. You must come up with a verdict now!!

Examples of shirts
Shirt signing

Now again...we're so sorry this can't be done in real life (rubbish COVID)...but we still think it's a great thing to do. So, grab one of your old shirts and your sharpie pens (or felt pens) and get ready to get signing. I've attached some examples and all of the names you'll need... I'd love to see photos of your hard work when you're done.

EBM Tuesday
Ancient Greek recipes

Try your hand at one of these...or both...and save me some ;-)

Tuesday's schedule!...

1) EBM
2) Ancient Greek murder mystery - this will be great fun so definitely have a go!!
3) Ancient Greek food - have a go at preparing either a Greek salad or making hummus (recipes to follow...)
4) Shirt signing - I'll reattach the bits you need...If you haven't already, spend some time on this today.
5) Watch/look at some more of your peers' 'My Time at IWPS' presentations..there are some fab ones!

Have fun today! :-) 

If you haven't sent one in, then sadly... you won't feature in our Y6 Yearbook for this year...please send them in to me asap!!

Look at the PPT and off you GO! Can you manage to escape??

Monday Tasks
WOW Y6.... Can you believe we're here?? Your final week in primary school starts today... I hope you've all got the tissues at the ready! :-) I hope you had a brilliant weekend in the sunshine and are ready for your last 3 days as an IWPS Y6-er. 

You'll jump for joy at this week's timetable...NO MATHS OR ENGLISH!! Well, a bit of EBM just to keep you ticking over... but apart from that, we've tried to line up some fun activities for you to finish your time with us. So, check on here each day and have a go at the things in store...we hope you enjoy them. 

So today...
A-Z activity of IWPS
Escape Room challenge
Art work - see attached

Plus... I am going to upload all of the 'My time at IWPS' presentations I have received...usually, we would spend short slots watching through them all together but each day, you can choose a few to look at. They'll remind you all of some lovely things hopefully :-) Happy watching!! 

Have a fun day Y6!!

*****EDITS ADDED*****
Just a few tips for when you are videoing!! Video it landscape and keep the home button/middle button thingy to the right of you!

10 second clips needed!!!
What has been your favourite moment at IWPS?  Grab your phone/your parent's phone and record yourself! You need to say something like this:

"My favourite moment was in YEAR 3 when we went to the Wildlife Park in Doncaster and a penguin stole Sam's sandwich. It was soooo funny!!"

You know, something like that!!

And then send it by Monday afternoon to   If you don't send it, you won't be in the Best Bit Compilation movie! Which would be saaaaaad. :(

'See' you on Wednesday afternoon at our Leavers' Assembly....2pm. Don't be late!

PS ONLY 10 seconds!! No longer, or you will be cut off!!!
It's FRIIIIDAYYYYYY - your last Friday as a Y6 :-( SAD TIMES! 

Can you believe you're about to finish your last full week at IWPS? What a strange ending it is but...I hope you're all still enjoying that feeling and getting excited about what's to come! 

So today...EBM, Maths and English as usual - links are on.
Then it's the FINAL day to submit..... 

1) My Time at IWPS - I'm waiting for a lot to be sent in
2) Yearbook pages - if they're not in, you won't be in our Yearbook...

Also... keep learning the song lyrics, and if you need anything've still got your Little Things grid to choose from. 

Please, please, please....send them all in to me todayyyyyyyyyy.

Have a fantastic final Friday...
Mrs S xx

First and foremost - well done for keeping up the hard work this week! I've had a few more My Time at IWPS presentations in as well as yearbook pages but as yet, I'm a lot short of 60 so please, please keep them coming!! 

Secondly - please make sure you've checked and read everything detailed below (I know there's a lot of info!)... you will see important memos re: Leavers' Assembly, RTHS Transition, shirt signing etc. 

We are trying our very best to make this strange ending as normal as we possibly can for you - we know it's really, really hard but we'd love you ALL to be involved.'s timetable...
PSHE - Lessons 4/5 from the Racism PPT please.
Science - designing a board game - I'll attach the links! 
Plus...any of the above that you may need to finish...we're nearly there guys :-)

Miss you all x
Shirt Signing doc

Here are the first names of all Y6 children, Classes 2019-2020 Have Fun!

Shirt Signing!

Hi everyone, We know you are sad not to be able to do the usual short signing, so we have come up with a plan! We will be attaching class lists for 6A and 6S this week and you can use a variety of coloured pens to write everyone's names on the back of your school shirt. Then, you can write Class of 2020 and add any suitable images from this a rainbow maybe? the Ireland wood tree? I have added some pics to help! Then, you could wear your name-filled t-shirt during our Leavers' Assembly, couldn't you?

To all Y6s - whether at home or at school!
You are cordially invited to boot up your laptop or computer on WEDNESDAY, 15th JULY at 2pm. Sadly, at this point in time, we cannot invite you all into school, so we are doing our best to bring your Leavers' Assembly to you!

Time: 2pm
Venue: Your house/Your classroom
Date: 15th July
Dress code: Wear your name covered t-shirt!

(See other post about this!)

At 2pm, all over the IWPS world, your friends, classmates and teachers (old and new) will be logging on to watch a series of powerpoints and videos to herald the end of your time here at Ireland Wood.

Important note: Bring tissues...

We hope to see you there/here!
Wednesday's Timetable:

Yearbook pages/My Time at IWPS - I've not received many yet and you only have until FRIDAY!!!
P.E - Joe Wicks on YouTube for today (or whatever else you fancy!)
WY Virtual sports day

You have til lunch time tomorrow to upload your scores for this exciting sports event! Read the instructions attached for rules of the competition and how you submit your results.

Tuesday's Timetable:

Transition stufffff 
My Time at IWPS/Yearbook page etc. 

This week, Ralph Thoresby School is kicking off their Transition, so if you are going there in September, you MUST begin to look at their website every day: There is a Transition Booklet for you to work through and also key uploads on their site for you to watch. On the dates below you will receive the following resources: · Monday 6th July – Welcome video, transition guide and virtual tour of the school will be made available. · Tuesday 7th July – Subject transition tasks. · Wednesday 8th July – Supportive messages and Top Tips from our current Y7 students. There will be no ZOOM mtgs for you, but here will be plenty of Transition-type sessions when you start there in September! Exciting Times!!!

Yearbook page instructions
Monday's Topic

Here are some images to copy/trace.

Happy Penultimate Monday Y6!! Can you believe we're nearly there!! I hope you had a lovely weekend :-) I attached an important memo in bold writing on Friday - please read, if you haven't already. This week will need to be full of: My time at IWPS finishing; yearbook page finalisation/submission and learning songs for our final assembly. Please do your best to make sure I have everything from you by Friday.

Today's timetable:
Yearbook page - remember...A4 size, portrait, photographed or scanned and EMAILED to meeee by Friday, thank you!
Leavers' Song #2 words
Leavers' Song #2

This is a totally new song to learn, so I am attaching a clip with kids singing AND a backing track to sing along to when you are confident! Good Luck - and remember to keep it a secret!

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Leavers' Song #1

Here are the lyrics to a very well known song - with a bit of adapting! (Try to keep learning them a secret from those at home.....) Here is the vid to sing along to:



Happy Friday of tomorrow, you have 1 full week remaining at IWPS and 1/2 the following week - that's only 8 school days left! It's such a huge shame that this year is so different; Mrs Amos and I would love nothing more than for this to be the usual send off you all deserve but we know that, sadly, that can't quite be the case. Nonetheless, we are doing our very best to arrange and compile things for you to keep as memories and watch virtually to ensure we give you the very best send off we can in these unusual times. But to do this, and to do it well, we need ALL OF YOU to get involved and help. I am going to detail below your last tasks for the final week and outline what we need from you, and by when. If you don't manage to send something to the Y6 email address ( by the date requested, you will find that obviously you won't feature in this keepsake and that will be a real shame. We want all of these things to showcase every single one of you...but only you can make that happen. So here goes:

My time at Ireland Wood > These presentations (ppts/posters/leaflets/videoed speeches etc.) must be finalised and emailed to me no later than: FRIDAY 10th JULY. I
Usually we would all sit down together and watch each other present these which is a really lovely moment to share. We know it's rubbish that we can't but I will publish every one on our website for the last day of term and you can look through them all and laugh/reminisce/enjoy all of your peer's favourite moments - it may well remind you of things you'd forgotten too! 

2) Yearbook page design > I have received a few draft copies of these which are a great start but now you must: complete your FINAL, best draft on A4 paper by hand or on the computer; complete your page in a PORTRAIT orientation; photograph or scan and email me the final version by: FRIDAY 10th JULY
I will be aiming to put together a Yearbook for you all to receive a copy of by the last day of term - remember, if you don't send me your page, you won't feature in this. 

3) Hoodie pictures > Again, we need these for photo montages etc. for our last day Leavers' Assembly. If we haven't had yours yet, we need it in ASAP please. 

4) Y6 Leavers' Assembly - Planned to be held virtually on the LAST Wednesday of term (WEDS 15th JULY) at should be able to tune in and watch all of the things we will have prepared for you. You can even get yourself some tasty snacks - I know I will :-) 

PSHE - Finish off lesson 4 today please from the Anti-Racism ppt. 
Look out for the memos to follow about things to prepare for next week - any spare time you have, you can dedicate to getting these things done :-) 
Jigsaw Research

Hi guys - following last week's topic session that required you all to become an expert in one area of Ancient Greek history, I have gathered some PPTs from different areas for you to look at. This will allow you to use your peer's excellent work to gain knowledge of all of the jigsaw areas, much like we do in school. Well done and thank you to those children who sent work in for me to look at and use. :-)

Thursday's Topic

PSHE - Lessons 3 and 4 from BLM over the next 2 days please :-) These are from slides 11-24. 
Topic - A P.E based lesson today!
Science - All about adaptation. 
This week's PSHE

This week we are focussing on Black Lives Matter and anti-racism lessons. These lessons are really important in light of current events but generally, to make and keep our world a better place. Today, I'd like you to look at lessons 1 and 2 please.


PSHE - Black Lives Matter (Anti-racism work)
P.E - Joe Wicks on YouTube for today (or whatever else you fancy!)
Black Lives Matter - Story Writing Comp

Yesterday, a new writing competition was launched for this week - that's right, THIS WEEK ONLY! It is on the theme of Black Lives Matter. Watch this link today and learn more about it: You might want to think about this theme from the past, the present or even the future. Then, on Thursday, you will have time to think about and plan your story, as it must be a story, which connects to Black Lives Matter. And on Friday, your English session will be to finish and submit your entry. (Other English sessions will be shifted into next week!) More details can be found here:

Tuesday's Art
Topic Week 5
Just another 'Manic Monday'... :-) I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for week 5 of our summer term, it really is flying by! Here comes today's schedule:
English - a change this week. We are starting a new unit for the next 2 weeks but I will continue to read chapters of our class story at the end of the day on here so you can here the ending!!
PE - Joe Wicks today (or something else of your choosing if not)

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos x
PSHE - Continue with 'My Time at Ireland Wood'. This is your biggest final project and hopefully something to celebrate and be proud of! 
IWPS Little Things - you have the document already
P.E - Joe Wick's session
Thursday's Topic

Don't forget - I need ALL finished ppts to me please!!!

Thursday's French
Thursday's Mindfulness activity link:

Wednesday's Science

PSHE - transition booklet (Next section today :-) )
P.E - Joe Wicks on YouTube for today (or whatever else you fancy!)
Tuesday's Art
Tuesday's R.E.
Tuesday: (Please check a couple of important messages below this post)
Message to all parents

We have been asked to share these resources with the children, in the light of events in America recently. But also here in the UK. Here at school we will be taking the children through the powerpoint, week by week, and it is hoped parents will do the same for all our Home Learners too. Here is more information:*uApEHW-ESTyM94EuHX2ljA

National Sports Week at Home!
Hi everyone!
This week marks National Sports Week and we would love for you all to get involved.
Take a look at the PE page to see some activities - follow this route:

menu- curriculum (all subjects) PE 
Take a look at the pdf of activities to try at home and check out our twitter page for more videos. Thanaks to Miss O'Brien for sorting this all out!
Monday's PSHE - 

Today you can spend some further time on your Yearbook page. It's very likely that your first session on this has produced a draft but not the final piece. You must ensure you have included enough detail, punctuated correctly etc. etc.
Monday's Topic

Here you'll find today's instructions alongside some research booklets I've put together for each area to give you a starting point. Enjoy!

Happy Monday Y6 - 3 weeks to go!! Today's schedule looks like this:
PE - Joe Wicks today (or something else of your choosing if not)

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Loving the hoodie photos - keep them coming! 
Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos x
Friday's PSHE -  My Time at Ireland Wood

Today is the day where we'd like you to spend time on this final project of Y6. This would always form a main part of your homework at this time of the year and this year is no different in that respect. We'd like you to spend time putting this presentation/leaflet/speech together in whatever way you'd like - surprise us! We will LOVE to read them when they're finished in a few weeks.

Remember - think about: teachers, special memories, school trips, highlights, funny memories, dressing up days etc. etc. Include photos, illustrations, info!
IWPS Little Things - you should be able to scroll down to find the grid of activities from last week. Choose a different activity this week. 
Thursday's French

Video link:


Wednesday's PSHE

Transition booklet day today - I've attached again to remind you. Today, please try to complete the sections all to do with 'Your Profile'.

Wednesday's Science
Wednesday's schedule:

PSHE - transition booklet
Science - distance learning leaf
P.E - Joe Wicks on YouTube for today (or whatever else you fancy!)
Tuesday's Art
Monday's PSHE

Soon, Mrs Amos will be asking you to produce a page for the Y6 Year book. Here are your first two planning sheets. If you can print out, please fill them in. If not, just copy the boxes and their titles into your Home Learning books.

Ancient Greek myths booklet - Monday Topic

You'll need to read a selection of these myths for today's lesson - there are quite a few, but I suggest (unless you want to read them all...) you perhaps choose 3 or 4 that you like the sound of and focus on reading those.

Monday's Topic
Happy Monday Y6 - 4 weeks to go!! Today's schedule looks like this:
PE - Joe Wicks today (or something else of your choosing if not)

Wishing you a super week and we hope you had a lovely weekend - the sun came back!! Woohoo!
Message to parents/children of Y6
Hello everyone - and well done for completing the first week of learning, when some Y6s are in school and some Y6 are at home! We are working hard to make sure you all get exactly the same tasks (apart from PE of course!) to let you know that we are trying tol treat you as equally as we would if we were ALL in school, We hope this is working for you.
From now on, Mrs Stringer is handling the website uploads, while Miss Gayton, Miss O'Brien and Mrs Amos are in school, teaching our Y6 Bubbles.
There have been a few hiccoughs this past week - especially with the uploads - so we are sorry about those. And we do try our best to fix them as soon as poss. But we are learning lessons (the teachers, I mean!) about how to get round these issues and hope that the next 4 weeks pass a tad more smoothly.
Thank you for bearing with us - and keep your work  a-coming in, please!
PSHE Friday

Today's PSHE lesson is something for you to work on WEEKLY (on a Friday), for a short while (30-45mins each week?)... It is a project to take you towards the end of the half term...and something you may well be familiar with from Y6s of previous years! It is ... My Time at Ireland Wood. It is your chance to put together a reflection of your time - it could include: highlights, greatest achievements (pen license, gold awards etc), teachers, school trips, funniest memories etc. You can work on and present this however you like; it could be a PowerPoint, a booklet, a speech - we will LOVE seeing these by the end of our year. Today, there is a document to help you start to plan and an example from a previous year for inspiration.

IWPS Little Things

Just for a Friday afternoon - choose 1 activity to have a go at today :-) Enjoy!!

IWPS Little Things
P.E - Joe Wick's session today
Thursday's Mindfulness:Body scan meditation

Thursday's Topic
Thursday's French
EBM - Maths leaf
Maths - Maths leaf
English - English leaf
French - Distance leaf
Topic - Distance leaf
Mindfulness - Distance leaf
Wednesday Science
PSHE - Wednesday
Today we'd like you to draw a self-portrait. On one half of your portrait, add any negative feelings or worries you have about starting high school. On the other half, annotate any positive feelings you have about this. I'd love to see these, feel free to send them over! 
EBM - maths leaf
Maths - maths leaf
English - English leaf
PSHE - transition booklet
Science - distance learning leaf
P.E - Joe Wicks on YouTube for today
Tuesday's R.E.

All about Greek Gods

Tuesday's Art
EBM (Maths leaf)
Maths (Maths leaf)
English (English leaf)
RE (Distance learning tab)
Art (Distance learning tab)
The weekly 'vid'...
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PSHE - Transition to high school

Parents: Year 6 can be a challenging age with lots of big changes on the horizon! In this time of uncertainty, it's important that we fully support our children's physical, social, health and emotional needs to ensure that they cope during this turbulent period. The PSHE Association have released a number of lessons aimed at supporting children at home and hopefully get conversation flowing between families about issues/ worries that children may be facing. Please read this Parents/Guardians Guide to delivering PSHE beforehand - Below are the links to the lessons currently available covering: - Dental Health - Importance of Sleep -Families and Friendships (discusses missing these special people during this time) -Mental Health and Wellbeing -Online Safety (aimed at KS3 but could be useful for some KS2 children) We hope that you find these helpful and that all our children (and their families!!) are coping well with these changes. Children: Transition All you Year 6 children are rapidly heading toward September where you will be moving to Secondary School. This can be very unnerving for some and it is important we make time to ensure that all our children are properly prepared. Available to download at the bottom is a Transition Activity Booklet that you can work (through with your family) to get thinking about the big move! We will assign an activity a week, with appropriate videos, powerpoints and other resources to help. You may wish to set up a WhatsApp group to allow you to chat about some issues.

Special delivery for SHANIA

This week is all about SPACE - we hope you have lots of fun learning all about this theme. We'd love you to send us some of your work: The main mat will have a lot of your daily tasks on but I've also added a few extra things just for fun! Have fun this week!

Wk 2 Monday Topic Lesson

Well Y6, had we been at school this term, it would have all been about the Ancient Greeks! We LOVE this topic and we hope you do too - we have decided to spend this last half term now some of us are back in school, doing an Ancient Greece crash course! Here comes lesson 1 - something you should all be familiar with. Work in your Home Learning books please and keep your presentation levels high :-) Have fun!

Happy Monday Y6 :-)

Welcome to Week 2 of home learning (or school learning for some!). This week brings about some changes for us as to how each day looks. 
I have already attached your timetable for the week (the same for those at home as in school); if you've not checked it, have a quick look and think about how you may structure your day timings wise. I'm also going to change how I organise this page - the Maths for each day will be under the Maths leaf, English under the English leaf and any other subjects (PSHE, Topic, Art, Science etc.) will be just under this main Distance Learning tab. I hope it'll make it easier to navigate around.
Today the lessons will be as follows:
EBM - slide to be attached under Maths leaf
Maths - Bitesize link under Maths leaf
English - slide to be attached under English leaf
PSHE - Will start next Monday, so a slight break today. Feel free to try some mindfulness. 
Topic - Slides to be attached under Distance Learning leaf 
P.E #1 - Joe Wicks - today's session on YouTube

If you have any problems at all or you're not sure of anything, please don't forget you can email me directly on:  I'm just at the end of that email address so I'll get back to you!

Have a good day, we're proud of you!
Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx
Timetable photo

In case you can't open the file!

Year 6 Home Learning timetable Summer week 2-7

Hello Y6 - I am attaching this ahead of next week to give you time to prepare yourselves for the changes perhaps to come. The biggest change I think, is that you'll now notice there is an extra morning activity and often 1 or 2 afternoon activities. Each week will follow this timetable and I will upload weekly to remind you. This timetable comes as some of us return to school - this will be the same timetable for those in the school building and those not. The workload is the same wherever you may be and we'll check in with you all next week to ensure you're happy and keeping up. :-) Well done so far, you're doing great. Have a lovely weekend.

Mindful colouring pages

Take your time to colour each part in different colours. It's mindfulness remember, not block colouring...

Friday 5th June Tasks:

HAPPY FRIDAY YEAR 6!! The last Friday of working from home for some, the end of another week of home learning for others. I wonder what you’re most proud of this week? Did you design an amazing vase? Did you think of some mature and well-thought up synonyms? I’m sure you’ve all done something this week worth celebrating so be proud!

Here come your Friday’s tasks – keep the standard high and please check back on here on Monday as things may look a little bit different (there’ll be a timetable, just like our school one…):

Early bird maths – check attachments

Maths – - ‘Challenge of the week’.

Remember to start at the level that’s right for you and push yourself on to the trickier ones as you feel able.

English – Dear Diary. Today, have a go at writing a diary entry. Have a think about how you feel about either:

  • Returning to school next week
  • Not returning to school next week
  • Your final half-term in primary school

You can’t go wrong with this – these are your emotions; feelings; thoughts; worries and hopes, nobody else’s. This is something that you don’t have to share with anybody but writing these things down can really help you to feel happier and more content. The only thing you have to do is be honest with yourself. Whatever or however you feel is totally fine and I’m sure we’re all feeling many similar things just now. A nice end to our week J

Foundation lesson – Mindfulness.

With it being Friday, we’re all usually pretty worn out by now, especially as our Year 6 workload increases. We thought it may be a nice end to the week to focus our minds with some mindful colouring or listening; whatever works for you. Remember, to do this properly you must try to block out any other thoughts at all whilst you’re practising. If other thoughts enter your mind, that’s fine…notice them, and then bring your mind back only to what you are doing in that moment.

Happy weekend Y6
Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Thursday 4th June Tasks:

Good morning Y6 and welcome to another day. Hopefully you’re well into the swing of things now – I think Mrs Amos and I may well be ringing around again next week to see how you are all getting along. It may also be that the daily expectations increase slightly again as of Monday, as this is when some of Y6 will be returning to school.

With that in mind, keep up the good work this week and here are today’s tasks:

Early bird maths – check attachments

Maths - - ‘Finding percentages of amounts’.

Yes, yes it’s back again and you NEED to revise this Y6! J I think we’d almost got it just before we finished but it’s been a while so concentrate carefully. There are a couple of methods and you’ll need to decide which you prefer – you may already have a preference from practise in school.

English – - ‘Story writing: Using parenthesis’.

An easy way to add maturity to our writing and hopefully something that is becoming second nature to you as budding Y6 authors yet from recent writing, I feel this still needs recapping.

Foundation lesson – French from BBC Bitesize -

French will be reinstated as a weekly lesson as of next week so this is a useful ‘in’ to remind yourselves of any French you can remember so far.

Travaillez dur l'année 6 et passez une autre belle journée.

Au revoir pour le moment,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Maths Investigations

If you complete all your work in Maths from Bitesize, then here are a few 'wordy problems' to get your teeth into!

Wednesday 3rd June Tasks:

Mid-week is upon us already Y6 – time flies when you’re working hard and having fun. We hope you’re managing well with keeping yourself on a schedule of some sort to ensure you’re fitting in everything below. Here come today’s tasks:

Early bird maths – check attachments

Maths - - ‘Comparing fractions, decimals and percentages’.

A nice follow-on lesson from yesterday – if you can make them all equivalent, you are now able to compare and order. Remember, you will always have to make them equivalent for comparison/ordering.

English – – ‘Story writing and fronted adverbials’.

You know we love a good fronted adverbial (though, not too many in Y6, you have to be deliberate!); the video clips here give you some really good reminders on all the different types of fronted adverbials and how/when we can use them effectively. The creative writing features are also brilliant to remember all you have in those well-stocked Y6 toolkits for writing. Get creative now.

Foundation lesson – Science today, also found on BBC Bitesize: – ‘Life cycles in humans and animals’.

There are a few videos here and various different tasks to complete. When you have finished, could you think about an animal of your choice and represent its life cycle using a diagram with pictures. Think carefully how you may depict each stage – it would be great if you could choose an unusual animal that we don’t know much about already, you might find something interesting out!


Hopefully the rain doesn’t catch up with us today, I’ve been enjoying the glorious sunshine too much! Keep up the hard work and we’ll see you all soon,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Week 1 delivery for Shania and Rhys!

Here are your Maths and English tasks for the week. Again, try to complete at least 8 of them by the end of Friday.

Ancient Greek alphabet

Just to give you a helping hand - there is no information here though so you need to collate this yourselves :-)

Tuesday 2nd June Tasks:

Hey guys - we hope you managed to get yourself up and running well yesterday. Really, I think it is a case of start as you mean to go on; perhaps you've got your timetable set up now in preparation for this half term. Well done if you have, we're proud of you. Same again today, I outlined the expectations yesterday and they are set to stay in place for the duration of this half term so there'll be no surprises. Here come today's tasks:

Early bird maths – check attachments

Maths - - ‘Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages’.

If you’ve been keeping up with these lessons, this should help to round this off nicely. Again, something we’ve done in school but definitely needs practise to become more efficient.

English – – ‘Story writing: Character creation and complex sentences’.

Whilst the ‘character creation’ part of this lesson may seem relatively straight forward, I think the complex sentence element to this is particularly useful. Based on work I’ve received lately alongside marking your writing regularly in class, I know (and Mrs A knows too…)  a lot of us still need further work on using complex sentences effectively in our writing; it is important to show maturity, especially for high school.

Foundation lesson – Ancient Greek Art pt. 2. (Can you see a theme here?) Today, we’d like you to research the Ancient Greek alphabet – we’d like you to learn how it was formed, how similar it may/may not be to our own alphabet (or another alphabet you may know), if there are any letters missing etc. How far does the use of an alphabet date back? Once you have gathered this information successfully, have a go at creating your name using the Ancient Greek alphabet but present it as a piece of artwork – it should take up an entire page and be very well-presented. If you fancy a further challenge, perhaps you could create an inspirational quote design using this alphabet too and take a photo to send us!  


Keep up the hard work Y6, it’ll all be worth it we promise.

Enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts J

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Greek Vase PPT

Just a little starting point...

The Y6 Lockdown Art Challenge 2020

Here are the entries for the art challenge!

Greek Vase template

Remember - Y6 art standards expected! Choose any of the 3 outlines and if you have a printer, you can print one off...if not, you can draw your own outline using these to copy from.

Monday 1st June – Please read! IMPORTANT INFO BELOW!

Hello Y6s and welcome back from another half-term holiday; such strange times knowing we are yet again welcoming you back, but not actually seeing you all! We still miss you all and would love to hear about what you’ve been up to this week – feel free to drop us an email just to let us know how your half term has been. How fortunate we’ve all been to have such beautiful sunshine for the week!

Now, this may the last week of ‘home learning’ for some of you who are headed back into school next week, but for others, home learning is set to be in place for the rest of this term. Either way, you absolutely must ensure that you are keeping up with the daily work set. Mrs Amos and I will be checking in with you all again soon to check that you’re managing; I can’t stress enough how important this work is (all of it, every day…).
For those of you not headed back into school in person, you are still very much at school and this is your last half term of primary school whether that’s based in school or not; the work we set you is great revision and will absolutely be necessary to get you all ‘high school ready’. That’s a phrase we would be dropping in regularly this half term at school and it’s so important we remind you of that as now we must keep that firmly in our sights.  

So below I have detailed our expectations (not optional…) for the remainder of this term:

  • Early bird maths – yes, it’s back (woohooo!) and we suggest you do this first thing as per a normal school day. We all know how much this helps revise key maths concepts.
  • Daily maths lesson – this is still to be delivered using BBC Bitesize. The reason for this is that we know most of you (if not all…) have access to EITHER a device such as a phone, iPad, laptop etc. or if not, a Smart TV. You can find these lessons on either. They are also predominantly revision sessions; we cannot teach new ‘Y6’ concepts online, they would make things too tricky for you and put you under unnecessary stress. So, whilst they still may seem ‘easy’ for some, it is important that you work through them at your level.
  • Further maths – if you finish quickly or would like an extra challenge, remember you have a lot of options. There will be a weekly challenge/extension or 2 on our home learning page; Mathletics is still open for you to be completing (think how many points you could be aiming for!); try and get below 1 second on TT Rockstars for your times tables or finally, any unfinished pages of your CGP books can be utilised too.
  • Daily English lesson – this week, we will be using BBC Bitesize for this also. This has a largely SPaG focus which forms such a large part of our English curriculum. There is also a reading focus on a Friday which is essential practise for next year. After this week, this may only form part of your English and the rest may be based around a new novel or concept we are delivering, so keep your eyes peeled each day.
  • Reading – you should still be reading AT LEAST 3 times a week (especially with more time on your hands!). I hope you’ve all got a good book that you’re really into that keeps you wanting to read each day; if not, try to find something that does. There is a book out there for everyone.
  • Foundation lesson – each afternoon there will be a non-core lesson for you to complete. This may be art, science, R.E., history, geography etc. and are equally as important, just as in school. You need to be completing these lessons daily.

It may feel that there is a lot to do here, and if you’re doing it correctly, it should take you a good chunk of your day. Our advice would be to set yourself a school day timetable with breaks/lunches included. But, school finishes at 3 so there should still be plenty of time for you to do all of the things you enjoy too and we’d love to hear about it all. Keep us posted J and keep reading below for your weekly work!

Monday 1st June Tasks:

So here come the links for today’s work:

Early bird maths – check attachments each day on the Maths page. Answers will be provided the following day. So keep your work safe! (Maybe do all EBM tasks in back of Home Learning book) 

Maths - - ‘Converting fractions into percentages’.

This is something we all need revision of – check out the 2 methods and work your way through the tasks in your home learning books.

English - - ‘Synonyms and antonyms’.

A relatively easy concept I’d say and one you should be mostly familiar with however…this is a really good opportunity to challenge your level of vocabulary. Don’t just opt for the first synonym you can think of, I am willing to bet there’s a much more ambitious one in there somewhere…

Foundation lesson – Ancient Greek Art. Research all that you can about Ancient Greek pottery artwork – what materials did they use, designs, patterns, symbolism etc. When you have gathered all of your ideas and images, have a go at designing your own Greek vase using the template attached. Remember, this is a Y6 design not KS1...send them over by email and we’ll upload the best ones to our website for all to see and celebrate!


Try and keep those spirits up and don’t lose motivation; I know it’s hard but high school will happen and we need you to be ready, one way or another (is there a song in there…?!). Please keep emailing us with work, questions, or fun things – it keeps our spirits up too.

Take care Y6 and see you all soon,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx


Y6 Challenge Winners!

Lockdown Bake Off -
This was by far the most popular challenge! A big 'well done' to all of you who took part. I am sure you all agree that the choice was very tough for Mrs King and Mrs Aukland.....but here are the results:
Each mum chose their own First Prize
Mrs Aukland - Ellie Fisher's beautiful NHS creation because she said 'it symbolises the lockdown as it is there to protect us'
Mrs King - Laura's gorgeous circular chocolate, smartie and flake cake becuase she said 'I could tell that she had made it tortally by herself. And such a lot of effort went into it!'
But interestingly, both mums agreed that second prize should go to Maurice for his animals! Because 'they look like a lot of effort has gone into them and they look amazing!' 
But everyone else has been 'highly commended for your awesome showstoppers!

Lip Sync Challenge
The Winner for this is Poppy Fletcher! A fabulous effort by this young lady and Lucy (Amos) was impressed by her moves and her overall performance. A professional job!

2020 Olympics!
The Winner for this challenge is Oliver Foxton! A truly fabulous effort from Oliver - he put so much work into this and is a worthy winner!

Art Challenge
There were a few entries for this, but the favourites were the joint efforts of Rosy Burns and her family! A really tremendous effort from the three of them and they really made us laugh out loud. (Lol!) 
But Joe Procter and Ellie Fisher are both highly commended for their original take on art too. Super work, guys!

Well Done everybody!!!!

Sadly, the Lip Sync and Olympics Challenges files are too large for us to upload, but we will upload all the artwork for you all to see.
Your weekly message from a teacher!

And this week, you lucky lucky children have got a message from Mrs Amos!

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Cakes by Mrs Green and Mrs Ridley

To keep you company, Mrs Green and Mrs Ridley also created their 'show stoppers' for you! What do you think? They both look yummy....but which of our two talented teacher bakers would you award the Star Baker to?

Y6 Lockdown Bake Off 2020

Well done to all those children who took part in our inaugural Lockdown Bake Off! We are so impressed by the quality of your efforts and only wish we could try them all! Mrs King and Mrs Aukland have a tough task ahead of them..... Check back later this week to see who our winner is!

Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your challenge entries so far - we have been thrilled by how you have been participating in the Lockdown Madness! It is good to report that there have been entries for all 4 categories. Because we never set a fixed time to enter by, we will leave the judging until Bank Holiday Monday! (Which gives children until 12 midnight to take part).

Also, we have received a LOT of writing this week - well done, Y6! We will get to marking them all as soon as possible and send you your feedback when we've done it. 
If  have NOT sent us any writing over the past 3 weeks, we really require you to send us one of the pieces as soon as you have completed it to We need to send appropriate levels to your high schools over the next two weeks.

We will be in touch very soon,
Mrs Amos and Mrs Stringer xxx

And we have reached Friday! Yay!!!
As today is your last day before HALF TERM, let's make it a good day!! You have got Maths and English (as normal) and then you really need to know what you will be doing for our Y6 Challenge. Thank you to all those pupils who have already sent in your entries - we await more with great anticipation!

FridayMaths Challenge

You know the drill – Fridays mean have a go at challenges!
You will find them here:
(You may have to copy this link as I can't hyperlink it!)
If you have finished, have a look at any of the Decimals worksheets available on our MATHS section of Distance Learning. Have you tried the Decimals investigation yet?

EnglishWriting a final draft of your Healthcare Hero letter

You know the drill for this too - using a red pen, think COGs and ARMs.

What is missing? What needs changing? What needs removing? Can you improve? Develop? Embellish? Punctuation? Y6 grammar? Is it good enough?
Make sure you have included a simile or metaphor, hyperbole and a semi colon. At least!

When you are sure it is, copy it up/word process your final draft and then send a copy to

Who will you send an actual copy to? Who is your Healthcare Hero?

We need a piece of writing this week from every one of you.


If you have finished all your English, Mtahs and Science for this week and still want to do more, here is a suitable Y6 Reading Task, using A Pocketful of Stars:




Thursday, 21 May
Hi everyone - it's Thursday!
We hope you are having a lovely week  and that you are enjoying the latest Home Learning tasks we have set. These will all set you up very well for what lies ahead in your school life - whwether you are returning to IWPS before the end of July, or whether you go straight to high school. Either way, you will be well prepared!


MathsDecimals: convert from a decimal into a fraction (and simplify)

Now should be very familiar with work on Decimal numbers. Today’s lesson needs you to convert from a decimal into a fraction. The link is here:

Task: Once you have finished and checked all these questions, you can complete this task sheet: Decimals Day 4 found on the Maths Distance Learning page (There are three levels: 1 star = Hard; 2 stars = Harder; 3 stars = Hardest. Answers follow the sheets too).


English - Editing (red pen) and writing the first draft of your letter
There are a lot of parts to today's session - quickly scan through them and see which ones are the most useful. I would definitely recommend that you do at least the video and reac through all the reminders afterwards.

Then you need to read through your plan. Add anything you feel you may have missed out in red pen. Did the reminders help? Does it seem properly thankful? Have you given reasons why? Can you relate it to your life? Your family?

Now spend at least 30 minutes writing your first draft.

Once you have completed these tasks, spend some time thinking about the Y6 Special Challenges for this week! Which one will you complete?

  • baking
  • sport
  • artwork
  • lip sync (music)
You lucky, lucky children! We hope you manage to rise to this challenge!
Science report template

This should just give you a reminder of the subheadings required in this type of scientific write-up. We have done these lots of times at school; please challenge yourself to use Y6 scientific vocabulary in your write up. Every piece of writing you do should sound 'Y6y' by now! This is very good practise for high school next year - you will no doubt do a lot of these. You only need to choose one experiment to write up - perhaps your favourite or maybe one that had a different outcome than you predicted. You could also include a diagram! You do not need to print the sheet - you can complete yours in your home learning book with subheadings underlined neatly with a ruler.

Wednesday, 20 May
And today is Wednesday - Hump Day!!
There are Maths and English tasks to do again - as well as choosing another Science task to undertake. We do require one of these being written up as a proper investigation by the end of the week too, remember?
And you should have probably decided which of the challenges you are going to do for us by now....remember, you only have until Sunday, when we will expect to have all you photos and/or videos emailed to us, so that we can have a, I mean, so that we can judge properly!!



WednesdayDividing decimals by integers

Dividing is the trickiest of the four operations for many of us – so keep your wits about you! Focus, focus, focus! Here is the link for your Maths today:

You will need to watch the video, and complete the tasks.

Extra Task: Once you have finished and checked all these questions, you can complete this task sheet: Decimals Day 3 (There is a ROCK HARD version, if you would like to push yourself further!)

This video might also help you, if you are struggling a bit!


English - Planning your first draft (This is a long lesson….)

You know how to write a letter and you know how to plan effectively now. Here are some tasks to help you improve your writing. Look through them all and choose which ones will help you to plan today:

Think of the best way to plan a letter to a ‘Healthcare Hero’. It could be to someone you know?

Your plan will need to include an introduction and AT LEAST 2 paragraphs and a suitable closing paragraph. (So, 4 planned paragraphs at least)

Plan your letter to a Healthcare Hero, trying to find opportunities to include many of the features you have looked at this week (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, semi colons and colons)

Now, give yourself a BIG treat!


Weekly check-in!

Me again this week folks...sorry for the delay, technical hitch! Miss you all :-)

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Tuesday, 19th May
So here are today's activities. Again, try to complete your Maths and English in the morning. Do a science task in the afternoon and then spend some time planning your special Lockdown Challenge! Which one will you try to do? The Olympics? A Big Bake, maybe? Or maybe you are already learning a song words to 'lip sync' to??? We can NOT wait to see your entries!!! 

English - Look at how we use semi colons.

You have done these loads in Super Sentence lessons, as well as in our SPaG lessons, so these tasks should simply be reminders. Remember: no Y6 piece of writing is complete without at least one semi colon. To push yourself, research how and when colons are used and find these pages in your CGP books.


Maths  Remember how we learned to multiply decimal numbers by an integer, back in the Spring Term?

Today you will need to go to this link:

You will watch 2 helpful videos as reminders and then complete the 2 activities.

Extra Task: If you have finished and checked all these questions, you can complete this task sheet: Decimals Day 2 on the Maths Distance Learning page.

Weekly planning for Shania and Rhys: Week 5

Here are your tasks for this week - really fun tasks, as they are all about RABBITS!

Some fun Science experiments

Some Science work for this week: We would like you to spend your afternoons this week focussing on Science - we are keeping it practical so here we've attached a selection of awesome science experiments for you to try at home. Read through these ones and the ones to follow and see what takes your fancy for each afternoon. My challenge is: I'd like to see AT LEAST ONE of them written up as a full scientific experiment in your home learning book please - I'll attach a template to remind you of the appropriate content. Any pictures/video evidence would be fantastic to see! :-) Have fun scientists!! 

Week 5 Afternoon tasks - Lockdown Madness:

After you have had a go at your science work, try one of these as your Afternoon Challenge:

This week, your teachers are issuing you with 4 challenges. You MUST undertake one of them and provide either photographic or video evidence for your teacher by Sunday evening, 24th May. (

Challenge 1: The Y6 IWPS Isolation Bake Off. You need to create a bake off to be proud of. A masterpiece. A showstopper. Come on, guys, impress us! Mrs Stringer’s and Mrs Amos’s mums will be the judges!

Challenge 2: A Lip synch battle. Recreate 90 seconds of your favourite ever song, then video yourself ‘lip sync’ performing it, putting in ALL THE MOVES. Lucy Amos will judge the best entry!

Challenge 3: Create a famous piece of art. Using stuff you can find in your house (bottle tops, toilet roll tubes, dressing up clothes etc) try to create a world famous piece of art. Mrs Georgeson and Miss Pliener will judge your entries/photos on Sunday!
Here are some to inspire you!

Challenge 4: Do the 2020 Olympics in your own back garden/park. How many fun Olympic sports can you create and perform? Send us the best bits! Will you have medals? A ceremony? Music playing?

Week 5 starts here!!
Hello Year 6s - one week to go until half term. 
It has been so fantastic to receive work from some of you this week - and we heartily commend those of you who have managed to email work to us.
But there is still a bunch of you who we are eagerly anticipating your emails each day...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Please send us some writing you have been working on as soon as possible. 

Monday, 18 May
Both Maths and English tasks are to be taken from BBC Bitesize this week. You should be able to access the videos and interactive activities on phones, laptops, iPads and even your Smart TV! (That is why we have chosen this particular site).

Maths: multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

Today you need to watch a video, complete an interactive activity and have a go at 2 worksheets.

Extra Task: After you have completed these activities, if you still want more (!) there is a Decimals Day 1 task over on our Maths Distance Learning page.

There is also a floating Decimals task – this is for those of you that finish early and would like a further challenge.

It is called Decimals Investigation
(Y6s -
all of these concepts will help you when you move to high school. Your Y7 Maths teachers will be mightily impressed if you know how to use decimals!)

English: all of these features will help you write a fantastic letter on Thursday and Friday. You will be writing a letter to a Healthcare Hero.

Monday – look at the meaning of similes, metaphors and hyperbole.

There are three videos and three activities for you to complete. Hyperbole is new to most of you – do your best!

Each week, we are learning what works best for you while you (and we!) are working at home. So this week, we have made a couple of changes....

If you struggle to see a device every day, then you will find the whole week's overview on the Maths and English pages of Y6's Distance Learning button. It might be easier for you to print this off on Monday - then you have it ready for your week's work. But if you do get chance to access a device, you could log in and find the appropriate videos and activities: WE WILL ALL BE DOING THE SAME OBJECTIVES.

If you CAN see a device each day, then your work will still be posted every day.

Find your daily Maths and English tasks on the Distance Learning basic learning as usual. Check in each day, please.

BUT - we would like a piece of writing (a letter) from each of you by the end of this week. Do your very best to make it at least as good as your writing was in March. Impress us!!
Looking forward to marking these masterpieces!
From Mrs Amos and Mrs Stringer xx

Friday maths for Maisie and Aras

Friday, 15 May Hi Maisie and Aras, It’s Friday! (Fri-yay!) Your maths work for today is a set of challenges,,,you can find them here: If you get these finished quickly, why not try to do an arithmetic test? Or one of the half tests? And Don't forget to do some English every day. Look on the other link for that, please. Enjoy your weekend! See you Monday!

Friday 15th May

Woohoo – it’s Friday again!! We hope you’ve had a fun-filled, work-packed week and you have enjoyed the freedom that this week doesn’t normally allow in Year 6! Today should be a nice relaxed day work-wise, nothing too hard or heavy so try your best and we’d like to see your stories when you’ve finalised them please.


Maths: Bitesize maths #week4, - Challenge day.

Task: Pick your level of challenge and work onwards from that one. In my opinion, starting around challenge 4 would be a good starting point but I’ll leave that up to you. Have fun!


Main English lesson: L.O: To edit, improve and final draft

Task: Today, I’d like you to spend at least 30minutes reading through your work. We’d like you to spend the first 5 minutes of those (what fraction of time is that?) proof-reading (COGS) – check it makes sense as you read and add any basic punctuation you’ve forgotten. For the remainder of the 30minutes, have a go at editing (ARMS); you need to think about your Y6 grammar here and we’d really like to see a good variety. For the rest of your session, you can either write up or type up your story ready to email to us at: It would be great to hear from some of you we’ve yet to hear from.



Afternoon/topic tasks – I’m thinking a low-ley Friday afternoon is what we all need so hopefully these tasks are nice and relaxing. We’d like you to choose one of the below activities to complete:

  1. Design a front cover for your story – you could use a computer or design it by hand
  2. Create a mood board – here, you can think carefully of all the different emotions you’ve been feeling this week; take some time to really sit and think about how you’re feeling. Are you relieved there were no SATs? A little bit disappointed too? Are you loving home-schooling or are you starting to miss your friends a bit now? It’s fine to feel contrasting emotions – you may be feeling a little bit of all of them, more of some than others etc and that’s all totally normal. Think carefully about how colour could represent this and annotate your mood board too – you can use whatever medium you prefer (paint, crayon) but if you can, try to demonstrate the correct shade for your emotion too. We’d love to see these too so feel free to take a photo and email over.


Finally, have a lovely weekend Year 6 – enjoy the rest. You’ve earned it!



Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Thursday 14th May

Nearly there guys – well done! We hope you’re having a great week and are enjoying the no SATs joy! We miss you all and still want to remind you all that we know how hard you’d worked this year – keep it up! We’ll look forward to reading some more of your work tomorrow. J



Maths: Bitesize maths #week4, lesson #4 – Fractions of amounts

Task: A very necessary lesson I think – something we all found a little tricky this year so try your best to remind yourself how to do this, you’ll need to concentrate. There are 2 videos and 2 worksheets for you to work your way through. If you do get finished, there are some extra things to be doing listed below. 


Main English lesson: LO: To write a story of significant length

Task: You are carrying on from yesterday – by the end of today, you will need a first draft completed. Remember that the words, ‘significant length’ are in our L.O – this means your work can’t be 1 quick paragraph, it should look like a story. There should be a clear paragraph structure and we should be able to see much of our Year 6 grammar packed in alongside awesome vocabulary chosen deliberately for effect. Read it out loud to someone when you have finished – this will help you to hear where you are missing punctuation etc. You can use yesterday's ppt for today. 



Afternoon/topic tasks – Last day of SATs woohooooooo! We hope you’ve enjoyed doing these. Scroll down a bit on this page to find today's one!


Keep up the good work,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx
Early finishers in Maths

If you have finished your Bitesize Maths tasks forthe day, there are a few things you could be doing:

Mathetics on the same topic (you all have your logins)

TTRockstars (You all have your logins)

CGP books - find any pages that you haven't done (that you have been taught about in Y6!)
(This is a great website that has lots of examples of how to be creative in Maths. Very 'problem solve-y'!)

Thursday's Silly SATs - Reasoning Paper

And here is your final Silly SAT paper. WE hope you have had some fun doing these! It has certainly made us smile as we have been setting them for you!!

English time travel ppt update

Start from today's L.O

Wednesday 13th May

Mid-week is here again J We hope you’ve found this week’s work ok and are really refreshed on fractions! We still look forward to hearing from you so remember you can keep us posted via our email address with any work you’re especially proud of.

Wednesday’s work looks like this:


Maths: Bitesize maths #week4, lesson #3 – divide fractions by integers

Task: You all rock at this so now’s the time to prove it. Remember – divide the numerator by the whole number BUT if it’s not divisible > FFF (Fraction, Flip, Flip!). N.B. Your whole number is always over 1. You’ve got this Year 6. Remind yourself with both videos then onto the worksheets.


Main English lesson: LO: To write a story of significant length

Task: This L.O is important – if you’re not sure of the meaning of the word ‘significant’, look it up in a dictionary to check. You have 2 days to complete this task – there are quite a few slides to help you with this writing process. I suggest you have a good read through the slides and examples today, make a plan for your story (think carefully about which historical event you’ll visit; you might even need to do some research to ensure your story is historically accurate…) and begin to draft if you’re ready. We are expecting to see work of a high standard that demonstrates your sound understanding of punctuation including ; , : -- () etc. alongside powerful vocabulary and description. Don’t rush to finish – imagine you are in class now and how your writing would evolve there.

Have fun with it – we will look forward to reading them in due course.


SPaG lesson: No SPaG this week – English takes on a SPag focus this week and we felt that might well be enough to get your teeth into! J




Afternoon/topic tasks – We hope you’re enjoying the change this week with Silly SATs and today’s will be attached for you to try - it's arithmetic so scroll down and you'll see it! Better than the real thing hey??


Keep up the good work,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx


Thursday, 14 May

Hello again, Maisie and Aras,

And today is Thursday! Woop woop! The working week is nearly over.

Your maths today is all about finding the area of a shape. You will find the link here:

There are two videos to watch and 3 interactive activities to have a go at. None of this information is new to you, but it is really great revision.

Do your best and let us know how you are getting on by emailing us on

Wednesday Maths for Maisie and Aras

Hello there!

Your maths today is finding the perimeter of a rectilinear shape. Rectilinear just means any shape that meets at right angles (like a square or a rectangle).

There is a video to watch and three interactive activities to do.

Have a really good go at answering these. You can do it!!!

Silly SATs for Wednesday

Today, you simply have an Arithmetic test - silly style! (There is an important message to parents/carers before you start this make sure you show it to them first!)

Embarrassing video Take 2

I have tried to do another one.....yesterday was not a fun day, technology-wise.

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Maths Activity for Tuesday for Maisie and Aras!

Tuesday, 12 May

Hi again Maisie and Aras,

Here is your maths for today….

It’s all about finding the perimeter of a rectangle.

In today’s session, you need to watch a video and complete three activities. One of them (Activity 3) is a game! But make sure you have done activity 1 or/and 2 first.


Try your hardest and have a go at everything.

English Day 2

An updated version of the ppt with today's lesson following on.

Tuesday 12th May

Hello Year 6 – we hope you enjoyed your ‘SAT free’ Monday, I know we did! Hopefully you felt much more relaxed just completing your work and considering how you are getting yourselves ‘high-school ready’. We will continue with Bitesize for Maths this week and the English PPT all linked to Time Travel so remember to open it each day as it may have changed.


Maths: Bitesize maths #week4, lesson #2 – multiplying fractions by fractions

Task: There is one video to watch and two interactive activities to complete here. This is another fantastic recap on fractions – we all know how much of our Maths relates back to our fractions knowledge, we need this to be secure for when we return. Numerator x numerator // denominator x denominator and remember: X in maths has the same meaning as ‘of’ – I think this helps you to interpret the answer you get.


Main English lesson: LO: To correct misspelt words

Task: We are using a PowerPoint this week, all around the concept of ‘Time Travel’ – we will tell you which part we would like you to do each day. Continue from yesterday’s lesson, picking up today where the new L.O slide in the PPT presentation is – today is all about spellings and I know a lot of you need this practise. It’s always useful to correct other people’s mistakes – hopefully it will help you spot them more quickly in your own work. Work through the slides – a nice, steady lesson for a Tuesday!


SPaG lesson: No SPaG this week – English takes on a SPag focus this week and we felt that might well be enough to get your teeth into! J




Afternoon/topic tasks – Sooooooo, as this week should be SATs week (but it’s not, woohoo!), we thought we’d have a little fun of our own with ‘Silly SATs’ for the afternoons. Have a go and hopefully they’ll make you laugh a little bit – just a bit of fun! Today's 'reading SAT' is attached below!

Keep up the good work,

Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Silly SATs for Tuesday!

Today would've been your READING is a Silly SAT instead.

Silly SATs Silly Spelling test

Remember: they are SILLY spellings....

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Extra music sessions from Mrs Smith!

Here is a link that will let you have some fun while in Lockdown - a very special session from Mrs Smith.

So why not 'treat yourself' to a music lesson this week?
Your weekly video from your teacher!

And this week it comes from Mrs Amos' back garden!

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Week 4 tasks for Shania and Rhys

Here are your lovely tasks for this week. Again, try to complete 8 of these during the week.

Special delivery for Maisie and Aras! Here is your maths for today...
Monday, 11 May

Hi Maisie and Aras!

It’s week 4 of our strange summer term and here is the link for your maths today. It builds on the stuff you did last week.

It’s all about problem solving, using multiplying and dividing.

You need to watch a video and then have a go at 3 interactive videos. Try to keep a record of this in your Home Learning book.

Do your very best!
Mrs Amos/Mrs Stringer

Here are your Silly 'SATs' for today

Video for spelling test will be added by 10.30.... Technology is failing me! Vid will NOT upload. So still working on it... Right....this is NOT working!!! I will keep trying all afternoon. Technology is NOT my friend today... :(( May try to do an audio file next if the vids won't upload....bear with....

English PowerPoint

Time Travel

Monday 11th May

Happy Monday Year 6 – and what a very important Monday this would have been for us all in usual circumstances!! So let’s enjoy today and prepping for high school instead – the really important stuff! J We hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for our working week to start again; we only hear from a fraction of you via our email address so we hope you are managing to complete your daily Maths and English tasks (Year 7 next term!!). We could be seeing you all soon and it is your job to make sure you’ve kept your year 6 brain up to speed.


So, with that in mind, here come Monday’s tasks:


Maths: Bitesize maths #week4, lesson #1 – multiplying fractions/whole numbers by integers (which remember, is the mathematical term for ‘whole numbers’.

Task: There are 2 videos here and 3 activities – these are really important to improve your confidence with this. I have a feeling that fractions may easily become a ‘wobbly area’ if we don’t remind ourselves all of these important things. It’s easy to forget with no Early Bird Maths! ;-) Just remember, we multiply the numerator by the whole number and then convert back into a mixed number.


Main English lesson: LO: to identify powerful vocabulary and figurative language from another writer.
We are using a PowerPoint this week, all around the concept of ‘Time Travel’ – think carefully before you start about what image this creates in your mind. Today’s lesson is a really nice, SPaG style lesson where you become the vocabulary detectives! You are looking out for different examples of powerful vocabulary in the example texts – think carefully about your choices as I’d like you to be able to justify them if someone were to ask. You’ll find the PowerPoint link just above these instructions.



SPaG lesson: No SPaG this week – English takes on a SPag focus this week and we felt that might well be enough to get your teeth into! J




Afternoon/topic tasks – Sooooooo, as this week should be SATs week (but it’s not, woohoo!), we thought we’d have a little fun of our own with ‘Silly SATs’ for the afternoons. Have a go and hopefully they’ll make you laugh a little bit – just a bit of fun! I will attach today’s ‘test’ above this information too! Have funnnn,


We hope you have a good week, please remember to check on here daily for your tasks. Work hard Year 6!

Missing you all,
Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

Maisie/Aras/Niall - for you :)

Wednesday Maths:

We hope you have got on well revising multiplication and now on to its INVERSE...
Dividing 2 digits by 1 digit numbers

Again, your times table facts will really help you here (division is sharing or grouping, counting up in groups of that number) so if you struggle, find a times table square to help you (there'll be one online you can access). Try your best, watch the video and have a go at both activities. Remember - keep up with your VE day English/Topic each day too! 
Special Delivery for Shania and Rhys - Y6

Shania and is your work for this week - week 3 of the Summer Term

INCOMING: Maisie/Aras/Niall:
Here comes your daily Maths link - hopefully you found yesterday's lesson a useful reminder. Today is more of the same but progressing to 3 digit numbers - just take it steady and work on your times table knowledge! You've got this. Here is the link (there is 1 video and 2 activities for you to try please):

Don't forget to be doing your English and Topic from the main section too. 
Well done guys!
Week 3 motivational speech :-P

Me again this week you lucky lot - hope you're all well, Love, Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos :)

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FAO: Maisie/Aras/Niall - this is a special delivery for you guys.
Please check here daily to see what Maths you'll be up to each day! 

This week is some fantastic revision for you - you will be pretty awesome at this already I think but still definitely worth some practise for high school! 

Monday Maths - Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit numbers:

There are 2 videos, an interactive activity and a worksheet - you can complete the questions in your Home Learning book, you do not need to print anything out. 

Please also make sure you are accessing the English/Topic each day from the main section of our page - only Maths here. It is really important you are doing daily Maths, English and Topic + remembering to keep up with Lexia and home reading. Any questions, drop us an email :-)

Have a great week,
Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos 
Weekly (embarrassing) video from your teacher!

And this time it's Mrs Amos! Hopefully, this will inspire you a little more to do what needs to be done this term...good luck everyone!

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Summer Term Week 2 Timetable Overview

Hey guys - just a quick preview at the Maths/SPaG content for the week so you have an idea of what is to come. :) Details each day to follow!

Special activities for Summer 1 Week 2

Special planning for Rhys and Shania! Here are your activities for Summer 1 Week 2. Try to complete at least 8 activities this week. Have fun!

Note for parents/carers:
If you have any questions or worries about the work we are setting, please remember that you can email us at
and one of us will get in touch with you to respond!
Summer 1 Week 1 Motivational Speech :-P

Me this week :) Thinking of you all and missing you all too, Mrs Stringer and Mrs Amos xx

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Special planning for Rhys and Shania!

Here are your activities for Summer 1 Week 1. Try to complete at least 8 activities this week.

Message to all Y6 children - and their carers!
Much of our ‘main teaching’ over the next few weeks will be delivered by the BBC Bitesize programme. We have chosen this programme, because all of these sessions will be online AND on your TV, so everyone should be able to get to them. Each day, we will tell you what we want you to do – just as if we were right in front of you in our classroom! If you have any questions or issues, your mum/dad/carer can email us on
From Mrs Amos, Mrs Stringer and the Y6 team 

Weekly video from your teacher

This time from Mrs Amos....can you spot any Easter puns?

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Special delivery for Rhys (6S) and Shania (6A)

Here are some more #IWPSLittleThings for Rhys and Shania to be getting on with.

Message from your teachers....

Well, this week, it's from Mrs Stringer. Each week we will aim to add another video to try to keep you all motivated! x

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