Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Reception  »  Distance Learning  »  English

Weekly Learning Activities Week 14 (13/7/20)

Hi Reception, This is our final week of home learning and your final week in Reception. We have really enjoyed our time together and we are really proud of how well you have all done with your home learning activities. Have a wonderful Summer. We can't wait to see you all in Year 1.

Story of the Week

What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside

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Week 12 - How I Became A Pirate

Get comfy - it's a long one!

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More Pirate Resources Week 12

Pirate Name Generator Rhyming Treasure Hunt Word Search

Week 11 - Story Of The Week

The Treasure of Pirate Frank

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Story Of The Week
Watch me! (Week 10)
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Tickly Octopus (Week 10)
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Shark In The Dark (Not Tickly Octopus) Week 10
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Sharing a Shell (Week 9)
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The Snail and the Whale (Week 8)
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More Stories to Share
I Like Myself
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Week 7 Additional Resources
Champion Readers

The Teachers have had lots of fun reading in school today. Can you spot anyone you know?
Please email a photo of you reading at home and we will share it on the website for all your friends to see.

Champion Readers
Summer Term Learning
Story of the Week (Week 7) The Tiny Seed
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Story of the Week (Week 6) Jack and the Beanstalk
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Story of the Week (Week 5) The Bumblebear
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Story of the Week (Week 4) Centipede's 100 Shoes
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Story of the Week (Week 3) The Very Hungry Caterpillar
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Tricky Words - Your Turn / My Turn
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Tricky Words Speed Round
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Green Words Set 1
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Green Words Set 2
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Alien Words
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Whereโ€™s My Teddy? Read by Miss McQuillan
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My Friend Bear Read by Miss McQuillan
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The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet Read by Mrs Ajayi
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The Lazy Ladybird. Read by Mrs Ajayi
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Creepy Crawly! Read by Miss Waddington
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Dottie the Ladybird Read by Miss Waddington
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Weekly Learning Activities (Week 3 - 20/04/20)

Hi Reception, so we are now in Summer Term 1. We can't believe it either! Here are some activities to keep your learning ticking over whilst we are apart. You should be able to do these independently but it is also nice to work with a sibling or parent if possible. Please use the RWI resources below for additional worksheets.

Summer 1 Additional Resources
We recommend that children are supervised when watching YouTube. For added safety, you can turn off the autoplay function on YouTube. Please see the link below for further guidance on staying safe whilst streaming videos.

YouTube: A guide for parents

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Animated Story

The Very Quiet Cricket Animated Story

Cosmic Kids Yoga - The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Weekly Learning Activities (SPRING 2)

Dear Parents / Carers, please find below weekly activity grids to support your child with their distance learning. Ideally one activity per grid per day, but we know that this may not always be possible. A happy, safe family environment comes first and if your child accesses some of these activities then great! You can share any learning taking place with us on 2simple and we will send a message back to you and your child. Wishing you all the best in these strange and trying times, Mrs Ajayi & Miss Waddington.

Read Write Inc โ€“ Beech Hill School

RWI Phonics lessons at home 

Free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on YouTube and via Facebook for children to watch at home: three short Speed Sound lessons every day.

From Monday 23rd March and for the next two weeks, films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am

Additional films and resources for home reading on

Daily updates on Facebook and Twitter for regular tips to support reading and writing at home.


Home reading hotline

From today, there is an email hotline for parents and carers helping children learning to read at home with Read Write Inc. Phonics.

Oxford Owl for Home from Oxford University Press

  • 72 free eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks
  • 62 Speed Sounds practice sheets
  • 28 Ditty practice sheets
  • Parent information booklets
  • 8 Speedy Green Words slideshows

Resources will be on Oxford Owl for Home over the coming days and weeks.

Parents and carers will need to login to access eBooks.

Useful Websites
username: march20
password: home

Amazon audible have made their online children’s library free at the moment. There are a range of books on there, including lots of traditional tales to access.
The world book day site has many online videos of stories being read by some famous celebrities and authors.

Looking for something fun as a family? Enjoy storytime with our free online books and videos, play games, win prizes, test your knowledge in our book-themed quizzes, or even learn how to draw some of your favourite characters.
Letter Sounds and Names
Set 1 sounds (single letter sounds)
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Set 2 sounds (digraphs and trigraphs also called special friends)
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How to write sentences

This is how we write sentences in Reception. *Rehearse the sentence first. *Count the words in the sentence. *Tricky words should not be sounded out. *Other words should be sounded out using 'Fred Fingers' to support. *Remember to use finger spaces between words. *'Dots and dashes' show single sounds and 'special friends' - digraphs (e.g. ch, sh, th) and trigraphs (e.g. igh)

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Story Time

Can you use the reading question prompts to discuss our stories? What are your favourite stories? Share with us on 2buildaprofile or Twitter @IWPSLeeds

Jungle Grumble read by Mrs Ajayi
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The Huge Bag of Worries read by Mrs Ajayi
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Whatever Next read by Miss Easton
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The Blue Balloon read by Miss Waddington
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Peace at Last read by Mrs Ajayi
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You Can't Eat A Princess read by Mrs Ajayi
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What the Ladybird Heard read by Miss Waddington
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Kipper's Beach Ball read by Miss Waddington
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Image result for tricky words
We are focussing on learning our tricky words this half term. We love singing along to the songs below. We recommend that children are supervised when watching YouTube. For added safety, you can turn off the autoplay function on YouTube. Please see the link below for further guidance on staying safe whilst streaming videos. 

YouTube: A guide for parents
Tricky Words Phase 2 song
Tricky Words Phase 3 song
Tricky Words Phase 4 song
The New Tricky Word Song