Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 2  »  Distance Learning  »  English

Hello year 2!

w.c. 13.7.20

We really hope you've enjoyed doing the English work you've been busy doing in your Distance Learning at home. As you know, this is the last week of term (half a week!) so we wanted to give you some lighter, fun activities to do in celebration of the end of term!

Have a wonderful summer holiday! 

As always, we'd love to see any examples of your work you'd like to send us. Email:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello year 2!

w.c. 6.7.20

We hope you have enjoyed all of your Julia Donaldson themed activities! We’ve loved seeing some of the work you have produced. Well done for all your hard work. Can you believe we’re in the last 2 weeks of year 2?

This week, we are moving away from fiction and doing some non-fiction work around a significant person from history:

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks is well known for starting the civil rights movement in America because she stood up for what she believed was right. She believed that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what the colour of their skin.

To start with, you may want to watch this video and learn lots of interesting information about her:


If you’re feeling confident, you might like to try the Rosa Parks quiz on Purple Mash ( – the children have logins in their planner and we have set it as a “To-Do”.


You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello year 2!

w.c. 29.6.20

Last week we were reading/ watching, thinking and writing about The Gruffalo, the wonderful monster created by author Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson has created lots of unique characters which appear in her fun and captivating stories for children and many of them have been made into films too!
This week we are going to be reading another of Julia Donaldson's books:

The Highway Rat

If you have a copy you can read it yourself or with an adult (we have also included a PDF of the book in the documents below).

Or click on the link to listen to it being read:

You could even watch the film here:

We hope you enjoy this week’s activities! Have fun and be as creative and imaginative as you can.

As always, Mrs Tilley and Mrs Shepherd are always delighted to see your fabulous work if you want to show us any:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello year 2!

In English this week, we are going to use the story of The Gruffalo to help us. So to start things off, it would be great if you could watch The Gruffalo, or listen to the story being read aloud (if you have the story at home, read it with a grown up).

Here is a link to it on iPlayer:

Here is a link to the book being read aloud:

We hope you enjoy this week’s activities! Have fun and be as creative and imaginative as you can.

As always, Mrs Tilley and Mrs Shepherd are always delighted to see your fabulous work if you want to show us any:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello year 2!

w.c. 15.6.20

In English this week, we are going to use the story of Zog to help us. So to start things off, it would be great if you could watch Zog, or listen to the story being read aloud (if you have the story at home, read it with a grown up).

Here is a link to it on iPlayer:

Here is a link to the book being read aloud:

You will find this week’s activities are a little bit shorter, and a little bit more focused on PSHE as well as English. This is to help us all feel a bit better at home, enjoy our learning and feel more together. As always, Mrs Tilley and Mrs Shepherd are delighted to see your fabulous work if you want to show us any:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

w/c 8.6.20

Hello Year 2! We hope you are all well and have had a good week. This week in English we would like you to rewrite "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". We have attached sentence openers, emotion sheet and word mats to support you with your writing. Ensure you spend time on your story map - adding and improving to it. A good, detailed plan will result in an exciting story!

w/c 1.6.20

Hello Year 2! I can't believe it is June already. I hope you all had a lovely half term. This week in English we are looking at mini beasts. I would like you to go on a mini beast hunt and, after looking at the instructions, create your own mini beast. I have attached some picture templates which you can use or you can create your own. I would like you to write a description of your mini beast. I have attached a word mat and there are web site links for you to look at. Take your time with this work and be as creative as you like. There is also a reading comprehension about mini beasts to give you more information. I look forward to seeing some of your creations. If you have any queries please email -

w/c 18.5.20 - Growing Plants!

Please see attached video which shows how to grow plants from seeds.

Player Loading...

In English this week you will notice a flower them. Enjoy writing a poem about flowers and don't forget to use the word mat. In addition there is work to go over plurals - which includes a game. If you can not print out the game complete the challenge to design a poster setting out the plural rules. Don't forget to the reading comprehension and the spelling task. In addition I have attached a video of how to grow fruit and vegetables from seed. If you have any queries please contact us on Don't forget to check out BBC bitesize at

w/c 11.5.20

Please see attached work. We hope you have had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and enjoyed the sunshine - till it disappeared! When you are making the list of exciting ideas don't forget to use the picture mat if you do run out of ideas. If you have any questions please contact us on In addition, BBC bitesize has a host of extra ideas!

w/c 4.5.20

Please see attached work for this week. Take your time and don't worry if you find anything tricky - just do your best. If you have any queries please contact us at Don't forget to check out bbc bitesize at

w.c. 27.04.20 - English

Here is this week's distance learning for English. Hope you're all doing well and have enjoyed all of the sunshine we've been having. As ever, just do your best with these activities and don't worry too much if you find anything a bit tricky. If you need to contact us at all, you can email:


In Year 2 we use Mindfulness after a busy lesson or a hectic playtime to concentrate our minds and focus on just one thing. We find that it helps us move on the next task or it allows us to have a few moments of quiet in a busy day. The children will be able to show you how we use our breathing to empty our minds of busy thoughts. The "Yawn to Reset" is a particular favourite in 2S! I have attached some ideas for you to try at home, if you wish.

RWInc Sound Chart and Year 2 Common Exception Words

We have attached a sound chart for children to use when spelling new words. Don't forget to use your "Fred Fingers" to spell a new word and use the chart to find the correct letters that correspond to the sound. We have also attached a list of the Year 2 common exception words, which are usually in the yellow stands. If anyone needs to check the grammar taught in Year 2 please use the grammar checklist that has already been uploaded. If you have any queries please email - Year2@irelandwood.leeds,

w.c. 20.04.20 - English

English w/c 20.4.20 We hope you're doing well and have had a lovely Easter! We haven't seen you for a long time but we are thinking about you and hoping you're all enjoying some of this lovely sunshine. Here are this week's English activities. Remember to take your time and don't worry if you find the work tricky - just do your best! If you have any queries please contact us on -

w.c. 30.3.20

Hello 2S and 2T! We hope you are enjoying your distance learning activities. Remember to try your best and don't worry if you find it tricky.

Grammar Guide!

A little help sheet for understanding the terminology used for grammar in year 2.

w.c. 23.3.20

Hello 2S and 2T. Here is the English work for you to have a go at this week. Try your best. Don't worry too much if you find it tricky.