Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 2  »  Distance Learning  »  Maths

Hello Year 2!
w.c. 13.7.20

We've almost made it to the end of term! Well done for all your hard work at home. 

Here are some nice fun activities to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of the summer holidays.
As always, we'd love to see any work you would like to show us. Email:

You can download all of this week's documents below:

Hello Year 2!

w.c. 6.7.20

This week in maths we are going to stay away from BBC Bitesize. This is because the content for this week is  another topic we haven’t taught yet in year 2. 

This week, we’re going to recap some of our learning about Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (the four mathematical operations):

Adding numbers (up to 2-digits by 2-digits)

Subtracting numbers (up to 2-digits by 2-digits)

Odd and Even numbers

Counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to show us some of the things you have been up to:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello Year 2!

w.c. 29.6.20

This week in maths we are going to move away from BBC Bitesize. This is because the content for the next couple of weeks on Bitesize are topics which we haven’t taught yet in year 2. As a school, we have decided to focus our ‘distance learning’ work on things which we have taught so that we are helping the children to embed their knowledge and understanding.

This week, we’re going to recap some of our learning about Number and Place Value:

Comparing objects

Comparing numbers

Ordering numbers

Placing numbers on a number line

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to show us some of the things you have been up to:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello Year 2!

w.c. 22.6.20

This week in maths we’re learning about shape! I can’t recommend BBC Bitesize enough this week. It’s got helpful videos and practical activities which will really useful when learning about shape. I’d also encourage you to do some other practical learning this week such as going on a 2D or 3D shape hunt around your house or local area. You could take pictures and make them into a collage.

Monday – Recognise 2D Shapes:

Tuesday – Recognise 3D Shapes:

Wednesday – Sorting Shapes:

Thursday – Shape patterns:

Friday – Challenges for the week:

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to show us some of the things you have been up to:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello Year 2!

w.c. 15.6.20

It has been lovely to speak to lots of you and your parents/carers on the phone this week! It sounds as though you’re all doing really well at home, even though you might be missing school and seeing your friends. We wanted to let you know that we’re so proud of all of you for keeping up with some school work at home! This week in maths we are going to recap our learning about fractions. You were fantastic at this in the classroom so give it a really good try at home.

Monday – Unit Fractions:

Tuesday – Non-Unit Fractions:

Wednesday – Finding half of a shape and an amount:

Thursday – Finding a quarter of a shape and an amount:

Friday – End of the week challenges (no link)

Don’t forget that you can do all of the activities on bitesize without printing out at all if you prefer. You can just write your answers in your home learning book. If you fancy more of a challenge, we have added some extra challenges for each learning objective through the week. Keep up with your Early Bird Maths too – it’s a great way to start the day!

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to show us some of the things you have been up to:

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

Hello Year 2!

w.c. 8.6.20

We hope you’re doing really well and that you are enjoying your distance learning from home. As you may have gathered, we always work a week behind the BBC Bitesize activities. This is so that we can upload a whole week’s worth of activities and challenges at the start of the week, rather than each day. I hope this is working well for you at home. Here are the links for bitesize this week:

Monday – The 10 times table:

Tuesday – Sharing:

Wednesday – Grouping:

Thursday – Odd and even numbers:

Friday – End of the week challenges:

Don’t forget that you can do all of the activities on bitesize without printing out at all if you prefer. You can just write your answers in your home learning book. If you fancy more of a challenge, we have added some extra challenges for each learning objective through the week.

Keep up with your Early Bird Maths too – it’s a great way to start the day!

You can download all of the documents for this week below:

w.c. 1.06.20

Hello Year 2! I can't believe it is June already. I hope you all had a lovely half term.// This week we are also encouraging you to try and do some Early Bird Maths each day (just like you would in school!).// You will also find all of this week's maths activities below.// If you have any queries please email -

w.c. 1.06.20

Lesson 1 - Repeated addition and multiplication symbol \\\ /// Lesson 2 - Describing arrays \\\ /// Lesson 3 - The 2 times table \\\ /// Lesson 4 - The 5 times table \\\ /// If you finish all of the BBC Bitsize activities and would like a bit more of a challenge, have a look at the Starfish Spotting challenge!

w.c. 18.05.20 Lesson 1 (Add and Subtract 2-digit Numbers and Tens)

Hello year 2! Hope you're all doing well and that you are managing to keep up with doing a little bit of school work every day. We are missing being at school and being together but you are doing a marvellous job of staying safe and being at home with your families. Keep up the good work! Here are this week's maths activities. Once again, you can find them all on BBC Bitesize daily lessons as well or just download the sheets which we have put here on our website. Lesson 1 - Add and subtract 2-digit numbers and tens -

w.c. 18.05.20 Lesson 2 (Add 2-Digit Numbers)

Add 2-digit numbers -

w.c. 18.05.20 Lesson 3 (Subtract 2-Digit Numbers)

Subtract 2-digit numbers -

w.c. 18.05.20 Lesson 4 (Number Bonds to 100)

Bonds to 100 (tens and ones) -

w.c. 11.05.20 - Lesson 1 (Part Whole Relationships and Fact Families)

Here are this week's maths activities. If you find navigating BBC bitesize a bit tricky, just do the sheets provided here and don't worry about clicking the links. However, if you get onto bitesize, there are lots of great videos and activities to have a go at in addition to each of the sheets on here. Lesson 1 - Part Whole Relationships and Fact Families

w.c. 11.05.20 - Lesson 2 (Comparing Number Sentences)

Lesson 2 - Comparing Number Sentences

w.c. 11.05.20 - Lesson 3 (Number Facts)

Lesson 3 - Number Facts (Addition & Subtraction)

w.c. 11.05.20 - Lesson 4 (Add and Subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers)

Lesson 4 - Add and Subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers

w.c. 4.05.20

From now we will be using BBC Bitesize for our Maths lessons. Follow this link to find this week's activities:

Each day there will be videos for you to watch to help remind you of the methods that you can use to help you complete the worksheets given. Watch the videos and then complete the worksheets attached below.
Lesson 1 - Recognising coins Other link:

Lesson 2 - Using coins to make an amount

Lesson 3 - Compare amounts of money

Lesson 4 - Working out how much change Other link:

w/c 27.4.20 - Division

Please see attached. Before you start take a look at the documents titled understanding division and how to divide using the grouping and sharing method. Children are used to dividing by sharing equally but in Year 2 we also teach the to divide using the grouping method. The pictorial representations look quite different but the answer is the same! I have also attached links to websites setting out the methods as well. I think it will benefit the children if they watch these first. I have numbered the work in order. If possible, please complete the first task with concrete objects. Try your best and if the work is tricky use your Mindfulness breathing and have another go! Our email address is - Don't forget to have a look at BBC bitesize -

Maths w/c 20.4.20 Multiplication

Please see attached. Before you start have a look at the strategy sheet. We have set out how multiplication is taught in Year 2. There is also a handy number square to help with timetables. We have also attached a starter activity for you you to discuss with your Grown Up before you start - just like we do at school! We would advise you to start with the repeated addition sheet, then move on to the arrays before trying the word problems. Remember to take your time and don't worry if you find the work tricky - just do your best! If you have any queries please contact us on -

w.c. 30.3.20 - Addition and Subtraction

Hello 2S and 2T! We hope you are enjoying your distance learning. Please try your best and don't worry if you find it tricky. We have tried to explain different methods to help you understand. Remember to partition numbers where necessary and set out your work neatly. Also, don't forget to use concrete objects to help you. Have fun whilst you work!

Mathematical operations in Year 2

A quick guide to show you how the mathematical operations are taught in year 2.

w.c. 23.3.20

Hello 2S and 2T! Complete this maths work to the best of your ability. Don't worry too much if you find it tricky.