Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 5  »  Distance Learning  »  #LittleThings

Art week (w.c 2 June) Wednesday - Friday How did you get on with your Andy Goldsworthy inspired  art? Mia sent us a picture - it looked FAB. She said,"The material I used was all edible for my guinea pig. I used grass, rocks, Hazel, clover, dandelions, Sticks, they ate the dandelions and grass but the rest of it they did not." Give it a try if you haven't already with items you have around you. For the rest of the week we would like you to take a look at this BBC Bitsize and have a go at collage making of a scene from your daily life. Please send us your pictures. Take your time and do a good job of it- one of the great things about doing it at home is that you have more time to get it right.

Little Things Summer 2

Here is your final Y5 Little Things! Try to challenge yourself to do at least one of these fun activities a week.

Art week!

Week commencing 1st June. Hi, in the afternoons this week we thought it would be nice to experiment with different styles of art. We art starting with nature art and the artist Andy Goldsworthy. More information is in the document. Have fun and remember to email us your results!

Lip Sync Winner

A huge congratulations to Tiago and his sister for this wonderful lip sync and dance to the Lambada. I have missed your singing :-)

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Art Competition Winner!

Congratulations to AMY for her wonderful re-enactment of Rossetti's "Proserpine" using a scarf and an apple! I love the way that she has recreated the mood! Well done Amy :-)

Bake-off entries - continued

Keira's delicious cake - set to music!

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Bake- off entries

So, I live a long way away from my mam :-( and so the easiest way for her to judge the entries is to view them on here. So, hi Mam! (and hi to Miss Pliener's mum too :-) We were really pleased with such a range of entries and I am glad it is not Miss Pliener and I who are judging. Always leave tricky things to your mum to do, that's what I say. We will announce the winner soon. Mrs G

Winner of the Super Sentence Competition

A HUGE thank you to all of the entrants to the Super Sentences competition. It was hard to choose as all of the pictures and sentences really captured the mood of lockdown life. If I was busy with school, if I was rushing around, if I was going out all the time then I wouldn't have the time to enjoy the beauty of my garden! Miss Pliener, Mrs Georgeson and Mrs Amos have been the judging panel and we have decided that the winner was YUSUF. Well done Yusuf; we felt that the picture and sentence was really wistful.

Some fun Science experiments Some Science work for this week: We would like you to spend your afternoons this week focusing on Science - we are keeping it practical so here we've attached a selection of awesome science experiments for you to try at home. There are a lot to choose from - quite a few to do with earthquakes, some to do with light and a few random ones (including slime because we know how you all love a bit of slime!) Read through these ones and the ones to follow and see what takes your fancy for each afternoon. My challenge is: I'd like to see AT LEAST ONE of them written up as a full scientific experiment in your home learning book please - I'll attach a template to remind you of the appropriate content. Any pictures/video evidence would be fantastic to see! :-) Have fun scientists!! 

Could YOU be the next Children's Mayor?

Each year,  Leeds elect a Children's Mayor.  All Year 5 children across Leeds can apply to be the Mayor and it goes to a vote across the city.  If you become Mayor, you get to attend ceremonies and influence what happens for children in Leeds.  It is very prestigious and it would be fantastic to see one of you guys as Children's Mayor.

More information and ideas are provided on this website   
This year we would LOVE to get as many of you to apply as we can.  You need to think about what you would do if you were Mayor. Think of an idea that would make some sort of difference and is achievable.  It is a bit like applying for School Council but on a much bigger scale!
You will need to write a manifesto (which sets out what you would do).  

Deadline for initial ideas is Friday 5th June (email us your rough ideas so we know you are interested)  and then you will have until the 12th June to get your final ideas together.  Good luck and we can't wait to see what you come up with.

What was better on a Wednesday afternoon than Chess with Mr Mullens?  Well, now you can recreate it in the luxury of your own home with FREE Gold access to  Email and I will send you a log in.

Y5 and Y6 VE Day Main task sheet

You have a week off #iwps little things this week! Here is the task sheet again.

#iwps little things delivery

Here is a special set of #iwps little things tasks for Tiago, Olivia, Maisie and Kaycee. Have fun trying these, guys!

Easter stuff

Hiya everyone I tried to upload a video this morning, but it didn't work for some you have been spared my smiling face ! :-) How are you all doing? I hope you are able to get some fresh air and enjoy the sun a little. As I am sure you know, it is the Easter holidays so we aren't posting work for you - but there are a few things you could do here. I would like to particularly draw your attention to the mass observation. This is a national project where they are logging how people are feeling and what they are doing in these strange times. They have been doing this since about 1937 and if you add stuff to this then, in the future, people can find out what it was like to be you in 2020 in the famous Corona Lock down! So if you do this then perhaps in 2120, some Year 5 child will be told to write a diary entry as if they were on lock down in 2020 (like you wrote diaries of a WW1 soldier) and they could use your real experiences as a way to get a feel for it! Well- I will go for now. Miss Pliener is in school today - I think there are around 9 children going in. I imagine they will be out on the field as the weather feels like summer! If you want to let us know what you are doing, then please email us at We are sure to reply. Happy Easter, I hope you get an egg. Mrs G x

Hi Year 5! I wonder how it is going for you all? Have you got into a new routine? Does it feel like the weekend? Are you making the most of the sunshine? Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself to do stuff?  Here is a couple of links to some free stuff.   Choose one or two and this may help provide a bit of structure to your day. Also, here is a link to some other fact some of this is even better (in my opinion). I can't seem to be able to attach is as a hyperlink but if you cut and paste it, it should work! Take care; wash those hands... Mrs Georgeson x

Science Home Learning

Here are some ideas for teaching Science at home.