Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Year 1  »  Autumn

Feliz Navidad!
Dinosaur Mask Parade (30.11.20)

In DT lessons this week we have been designing and making our own dinosaur masks. We selected the materials and features we wanted our masks to have then constructed them independently. We hope to have an online parade to share our masks with all our friends in Year 1 and Mr Blackburn.

Weekly Spellings & Homework

Your child will have a spellings test in class every Wednesday. They are given opportunities to practise these throughout the week in school but we ask that you please support them in practising these at home also. Your child can choose a fun way to help them practise their spellings from the spelling menu on the reverse of their list. Topic homework is optional. We will share this in class and your child will be rewarded with team points / stickers if they do try any activities.

Dinner Menus

Please help your child to choose what they would like to have for dinner and complete the sheet. Your child can choose between a meat option (red) or vegetarian option (green). This can then be returned to your child's class teacher. Thank you.

Children In Need

The children came to school in their pyjamas. They enjoyed making Pudsey bear masks and ears.

Mary Anning role play

We pretended to be Mary and her brother Joseph selling 'curiosities' at the beach in Lyme Regis. Some of us went on to sell fossils to the museum for lots of money!

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The life of Mary Anning (07.11.20)

This afternoon we learnt about the life of Mary Anning through discovery and role play. We found out that she was a great fossil hunter from Lyme Regis who was not appreciated during her lifetime because she was a woman!

Dino Fruit Salad (16.10.20)

We think that our dinosaur egg could belong to a herbivore. We made a healthy fruit salad in case our egg hatches over the weekend. We may have eaten some of it though as it looked too delicious. We have been learning how to follow and write instructions in our English lessons. Can you make a healthy salad over the weekend?

Class Newsletter

Please see our class newsletter for important information. Updates are also sent via Parent Mail. Please disregard 100% Attendance Week noted on copies sent home with children. In light of the current situation, this will not be going ahead at this time.

First Week Back!

This week we are focussing on settling back into school routines, Investors In Pupils and PSHE. We are still enjoying some choosing time and trying some group work.


Today (14.09.20) we discovered a mysterious egg in our classroom! We think it could be a dinosaur egg. We have made a nest for it and have been busy transforming the classrooms into a dinosaur utopia. Do you know any exciting dinosaur facts already?

When dinosaurs roamed the earth...

1A have loved learning about Pangea and the 7 continents of the world this week in our topic lessons. Here is a video of us singing our favourite song! Can you believe we have only had two lessons - the children are doing so well at remembering the continents already :-)

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This week in maths we have been thinking about different ways to sort objects, counting (1:1 correspondence), and matching amounts to numerals.


This half term we are learning how to log in to the school laptops and Purple Mash independently. This may seem a simple task to adults who log in to devices daily but to children it can be very difficult. They have to navigate the cursor using a pressure sensitive touchpad, know how to press the left to select, read upper case letters on the keyboard, spell their name, remember a password. Phew I'm exhausted just typing this! Practise makes perfect so have a go at logging in to Purple Mash at home :-)rnrn Stay safe online - remember not to share personal details. Parents please ensure you monitor your child's online activity. Purple Mash is a safe educational website that Ireland Wood subscribes to. We are also enjoying learning how to code our new 'Code & Go Robot Mouse'.

Dinosaur Poop!

This afternoon (12.10.20) we discovered some dinosaur poop in class! We had to become palaeontologists and examine the dino droppings to find out what kind of dinosaur it could have been. Some poops contained bones (carnivores), some contained plants and seeds (herbivores) and some contained both (omnivores). Yuck! Gross but fun!