Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Year 4  »  Autumn

News Just In!

We have an amazing news report filmed at home by Paarth in 4PB! Fantastic idea, and a great watch!
Christmas Party Day!

We had a fantastic party yesterday! We can't wait to come back in January for even more fun.

Christmas singing and ukuleles

We have been working so hard on our Christmas performances- we hope you love them!

Children In Need

We wore our pyjamas to school and ran around the cycle track to raise money for the charity.

Amazing Homework!

We have had some amazing homework this term and we wanted to share some of it with you!

Immersive Learning Day

On our Immersive Learning Day we began to look at our new topic, Through the Ages. We began by looking at the Stone Age and even dissected some Stone Age poo!

Stone Age Houses!

In Year 4 we have been looking at the Stone Age. Recently we have been discussing the differences between life then, and life now. In particular we have looked at how and where they lived. We then made a list of materials they would have used to make a place to live and in our art books sketched out our own Stone Age house. We then went outside and build them using materials on our list!

Welcome back to school !

Our topic for this term is Through the Ages. We will be looking at the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The children participated in a range of fun activites on their immersive learning day including drawing cave art and disecting poo!

Our topics for the term:

- Place Value
- Addition 

- Creating a comic
 - Speech
-  Fronted Adverbials

- States of matter

- Ukuleles on a Thursday morning

- Swimming at Holt Park on Friday mornings. Please wear swimming costumes underneath school uniform. Underwear can go into school bags to be changed into after swimming, please also bring a plastic bag to put wet swimming clothes into.
If you need to print of any homework, please look below.