Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Parents  »  Newsletters  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Distance Learning  »  Reception  »  Spring  »  Archive  »  Week 1

Hi Reception!
During online learning, we will be posting a daily Maths and Phonics/English video, for you to access at home. Each video will have a task for you to complete at the end.  Please see below, a suggested timetable for you to follow. We are really looking forward to seeing you everyday at 10:45am for our live lesson, on Microsoft Teams!

We are looking forward to receiving your amazing work! Your parents can send your work to us on Evidence Me, or email your work to us, using the email address below.

Due to technical difficulties on our webiste, we will now be sharing videos with you via Microsoft Teams.

Please click the link below,  to access our pre-recorded lessons.  Please contact us, if you have any problems viewing these videos. 

Reception Pre-recorded Videos


Happy Friday Reception! There will be no live lessons today. Do your best to complete the set tasks on here. Please email us if you have any queries, we are in school today so it may take longer than usual to reply.

Maths 8.1.21 LO To use positional language

Start with some counting: Can you take your teddy on a Winter walk and then draw a map like this one to show where you went? Try to use the words on the map to describe where you and your teddy went. You can draw your map in your Distance Learning book and we would love to see some pictures of you and your teddy on your walk.

Maths- Counting
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English Lesson - Writing a Caption
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Maths - main lesson. My video has started working! Hooray! I have realised that I said 'cuboid' instead of 'cube' in the video though ;0( Whoops!
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Maths 7.1.21

L.O. To recognise amounts without counting.

I'm sorry but I am having a real struggle getting my maths videos to work on the website. I have filmed them and It's very frustrating to not be able to get them to work for you :o(

In the meantime, watch this Numberblocks video which is all about the number 6.

I hope you enjoyed it! Today is all about recognising amounts of numbers without counting them, for example, recognising what numbers the dot patterns on a dice represent. Today I would like you to play a game which involves a dice (like Snakes and Ladders or Ludo) or dominoes, so that you can practise this skill.

You could even find an empty cube shaped box and make your own dice to play your game with!

An extra activity - if you'd like one - is to get 6 pieces of paper and copy one of the dice dot patterns onto each one and place them around the house. Then ask someone in your family to call a number 1-6 and you run (or race someone) to find the correct dot pattern. The idea is to recognise the amounts in the dot patterns without counting the dots.

Have fun!


Please find the following Maths and English lessons for today. For each lesson you will need a pencil and your Distance Learning book.

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Maths 6.1.21
L.O. To explore number bonds to 5.

Due to a technical hitch my maths lesson won't load onto the website ;o(  so I will just tell you what the activity is this morning.

Click on the link below to do some counting!

Watch Numberblocks 'Holes', which is all about the number 5.
Click here:

Now find 5 toys or teddies and use them to explore different ways of making 5.
Can you record all the number bonds that you found for the number 5 in your Distance Learning book

For example:

*      ****   is    *****   (using drawings or marks)


 1     4  (using a part part whole model)


1 + 4 is 5 (using a number sentence)
Choose another number and find all the number bonds for that number. You could use objects to help... maybe teddies or toy cars..?
Have fun!

If you can, you could send us some photos on Evidence Me or to our email address.