Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Parents  »  Newsletters  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Distance Learning  »  Year 6  »  Spring  »  Archive  »  Week 1

Hello Year 6s!
We are slightly changing the organisation of documents to make it easier for you!
During remote learning, we will be posting your daily tasks online for you to access at home, incase you cannot access our Teams session.
We have made a suggested timetable for you to follow, and we look forward to seeing you MONDAY - THURSDAY at 8:45am and 2:00pm for 
LIVE lessons on Microsoft Teams!
Please note that on a Friday, there will be no live lessons in the afternoon, but we still intend to do a LIVE English lesson at 8.45am.

We are looking forward to receiving your amazing learning - let us start with one piece of writing this week! Your parents can email your work to us, using the address below:
(But we are also checking out how we can do this more easily on Teams)
Friday's other docs

Some documents need to be saved as pics, so they are here: (PSHE - 6 slides; English - 1 slide; PE - 3 slides)

Friday 8th's tasks

Please find all you need either here OR in the other sections on THIS PAGE. We will also have shared what we can onto our class chats in Teams. The video for Maths is here: (It is called Short Division)

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Friday's session!

Hi there all Y6s, Your tasks will ALL be here on this page! Some were uploaded earlier. Your timetable is: EBM, English, PSHE, Maths.

Write A Message

    Extra activities

    Here are some activities to keep you occupied if you are feeling a bit bored....but remember: Mathletics, TTRockstars, Hit the Button and Purple Mash, the Mosaics ppt are also your friends!!!

    PE pics for the Olympics

    Here are the pics from the Powerpoint for PE. I will add to it each week. Try to do at least 30 mins exercise for PE. Even if you have to do Joe Wickes!

    Weekly overviews

    Here is your Timetable, your Science overview, Topic overview, Homework task sheets (topic and Maths), even a PE powerpoint! and spellings for the next 6 weeks. (Please note: any extra resources will be added within each week's new document. Check regularly please!)

    Friday, 8 January
    Hi Y6s

    So it seems today is going to be REAL remote learning! This is great practice for you, as you prepare for high school. Your Y7 teachers will expect much more independence from you than we probably do in primary! J

    There is still plenty for you to do: remember, we expect at least 3 hours of work from you each day – here is your list of work for today.

    EBM – there will be a slide on Teams Chat and on this web page

    English lesson – listen to Chapters 5 and 6

    Choose one of the tasks to do – either a cartoon strip OR a letter to a newspaper.

    The links are on the Teams Chat and on this webpage.

    PSHE – Out & About work. Look at the Powerpoint on the website. You need to fold up a sheet of A4 paper OR divide a page in your DL books into 8. In today’s session, you only fill in two sections.

    Maths – Watch the video on Short Division, then complete the Worksheet. Both will be on the Teams Chat and on this webpage, along with the answers. There should also be an Extension question for all you FASTER FINISHERS!

    Spellings – practise your 10 words again

    TT Rockstars – there will be a question sheet attached AND the answers (DON’T CHEAT!!) Set a timer for 3 min and see if you can match or beat your usual score/time.

    It would be really good if you could have another go at your PE session this week – SPRINTING. (PE powerpoint is on this webpage)

    Because we are in Lockdown, there are fewer opportunities for you to get exercise, so try to use Fridays as extra sessions to keep fit. I will if you will!!


    Thursday, 7th Jan
    Good Morning, Y6s!!
    Here is another day of remote learning for you all to enjoy!
    You will have another English lesson, based on Who Let the Gods Out, which we are hoping you are enjoying.
    It would be good if you practise some spellings or do your TTRockstars for 30 mins and then get ready for your Topic lesson.
    This week, your Topic lesson is on Purple Mash, the Greek Theatre task. Hope you have fun!
    And then your last daily lesson is at 2pm, and it will be recapping division in Maths.
    We will also add a super powerpoint session about the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece - but this is an extra task - one you might want to work through if you are bored...
    We hope you have a lovely day,
    Miss Gayton/Mrs Amos

    Tuesday, 5th Jan
    Hello Y6s!
    We are really sorry not to see your smiling faces every day in our classrooms, but we fully expect you to be smiling at us through Microsoft Teams each morning and afternoon.

    Your English lesson will start promptly at 8.45 every day. 

    You wll then have another curriculum lsson each day (possibly Topic, PE, Scienec or PSHE)

    Your Maths lesson will start promptly at 2pm every day.

    A register will be taken for both of these sessions and we expect you to complete your tasks every day in your Distnace Learning books.

    Please come prepared with this book, a pencil, a ruler etc for each session.
    Other resources for this week have already been added.

    See you sooooooon!
    Miss Gayton/Mrs Amos
    Distance Learning docs Week 1

    Please find attached: Main task sheet for the week. EBM (3 sessions) Maths sheets for Weds (multiplication) , Thurs (short div) , Friday (division with remainders). Mosaic stuff English Powerpoint for Weds, Thurs, Friday PSHE Maths (to be added) Find your Ancient Greek Topic session in the Topic overview

    WLGO Chapters

    Here is Mrs Amos reading the chapters needed from our class text: Who Let The Gods Out. Your daily English work will be based on these chapters.

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