Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Year 1  »  Summer

Hip hop around the clock (21st July) have been learning how to tell the time - o'clock and half past.rnToday we have made our own clocks to take home to help us.

Sports Day (Thursday 15th July)
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Sports Day (Thursday 15th July)
PSHE - Show Racism The Red Card (13th July)

1A were sad to hear that England players Saka, Sancho and Rashford had been sent nasty messages on social media. They wanted to send them positive messages to show their support.

This term's topic is 'Let's Go Travelling!' and our first stop is Space!

Immersive Learning Days

We have begun our topic by transforming our classrooms. We have enjoyed turning ourselves into astronauts, making rockets and space bears linked to our story 'Whatever Next'.

Blast off! (28.4.21)

We have really enjoyed designing and building our own model rockets in DT lessons. We are looking forward to using them in Music lessons and taking them home to show off!

English - Reciting poems (May 2021)

We are exploring space poems this week in English lessons. We have enjoyed performing in front of the class.

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Number Day 7th May 2021

We have had a great time celebrating Number Day! We have: read number poems; played games - Snakes & Ladders and Four in a Row; completed a number word search, and seen how many numbers we can write in a given time. Well done to everyone who dressed up and brought in a carrot or a potato to measure. We had fun weighing the potatoes and measuring the carrots.

Planets (11th May)

In English we have been researching the different planets in our solar system. In Art we have made some stained glass windows of Earth.

Awesome Maths! (14th May)

We have just started a new unit on fractions in Maths and already these children are smashing it! They have been using their understanding of making equal groups to find a quarter of amounts. We even have a Headteacher's Award on our first day! Well done :-)

Imagination! (21.05.21)

In English lessons this week we have been reading 'The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet'. We have been looking carefully at parts of the story to find rhyming pairs, synonyms (words that mean the same thing), and answers to simple questions. On Friday we read an extract called 'Ant the Astronaut's Trip to Space'. We looked for key words that helped to paint a picture in our mind (adjectives). We then drew a picture of what we imagined. Look at all our beautiful art work :-)

Fruit Rockets! (w/c 24.05.21)

We have really enjoyed designing and making healthy fruit (and vegetable) rockets as part of our DT lessons.

BBC Radio 2 Big Bee Challenge (June 2021)

Radio 2 wants children aged 6 to 12 to design a bright, buzzy garden that will attract bees and other pollinating insects. The winner’s design will be built by the RHS at an NHS Trust site which is used by children and young people with mental health needs. More information can be found on the BBC website:- We have designed our bee gardens by going on a nature walk around school and selecting some flowers that the bees may like.

Science Week ( 21.06.21)

This week we have been conducting various science experiments. We have made a storm in a cup, a lava lamp and erupting volcanoes by mixing diet coke with mentos. We have had lots of scientific fun! Well done to all those children who made amazing volcanoes at home and brought them in for the competition.

Volcanoes! (21.06.21)
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Van Gogh Paintings (14th July)

We have been learning about a famous artist called Vincent Van Gogh. We have had a go at painting our own water colour sunflowers in his style. Ask your child if they can remember any interesting facts about Vincent.