Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Year 6  »  Summer

Rounders in a bubble

Now we are back from self isolating, we took the opportunity to head outside and play a game of rounders - still in our hoodies!!

Y6 Hoodies

We are all so grateful to the PTA at Ireland Wood for once again paying for our Y6s to have such fabulous hoodies! They look fab!

Planning, writing and presenting a Debate

In Y6, the children need to know how to write persuasively and in a formal manner. What better way than to hold a debate? Subject: Packed lunches should be banned in primary schools.

NSPCC Number Day

Here are some year 6s completing some fun maths for NSPCC Number Day. And some of the staff, suitably dressed - ha ha!

Science Week

Some of the amazing experiments that year 6 completed during Science Week.

Yeadon Tarn

Some fantastic pictures of the year 6s as they explore Yeadon Tarn.

Angle Saxon Broach Making

As part of our Immersive Learning Day, year 6 made Anglo Saxon broaches using art straws and paint.

Anglo Saxon Day!

We went hunting for artefacts and tried to work out what each artefact could tell us about Anglo Saxon society.