Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Curriculum  »  Curriculum (All subjects)  »  Music  »  Evidence

Year 5 - Anglo Saxons song
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Year 3 Romans - Eruption of Mount Vesuvius soundscape

Year 3 used instruments and their bodies to create sounds that reflected the city of Pompeii before, during and after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The children had some excellent ideas and really captured the changes.

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Year 3 recorders

Year 3 have been working hard with Mrs Higgins to learn songs on the recorder using the B A G notes.

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Year 6 - Spring 2022

This term, year 6 are having Mrs Tilley for music on a Wednesday afternoon. They have been composing their own 'waves' using graphic notation, exploring how to build a wave either using pitch, dynamics or texture.

Year 2 - Recorders (Spring 2022)

Year 2 are having whole class instrumental lessons on recorders with Mrs Higgins. They have been working hard to get the correct finger positioning and have learned to play B A G. They are also looking at staff notation alongside the note names to begin the process of learning to read music.

Year 1 - Spring 2022

Year 1 are having music lessons with Mrs Tilley on Wednesday afternoons this term. This week their learning objective was to respond expressively to music. They were listening to music about different animals and had to move around the way the animal would move and the music made them feel. They were then shown pictures of animals and had to make a choice as to which instrument would represent that animal best and give a reason why.

Artforms Music Lessons - Reception (Spring 2022)

This term, Reception are taking part in a weekly music session with Mrs Smith. They have begun thier lessons by learning to move in time to the pulse of the music. Throughout this term they will learn to; add sound effects to stories using instruments; interpret the sounds of instruments by distinguishing changes and learn how to play instruments with control to play-loud/quiet (dynamics) fast/slow (tempo).