Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2021-2022  »  Year 4  »  Summer

Summer 2022

The Summer term is going to be full of excitement in Year 4. We are starting our new topic, 'The Mediterranean'. It is a Geography focused topic which will allow the children to become immersed in Mediterranean culture.  The children will explore a range of maps to discover the countries which surround the Mediterranean sea and compare these countries to England. 

Please do read our Summer newsletter to find out more about our learning this term. 

We will continue to swim every Friday this term!
Year 4 Summer Newsletter

Please find the essential information for this term on the newsletter.

Learning during this term

In order to allow you to support your child at home this term, we have broken down the subject coverage in both Maths and English. Pleae do keep upto date with what you child is learning in school and encourage extra practice at home. 

English; Summer 1
We will be using 'Toro! Toro!' By Michael Morpurgo as our writing stimulus this half term.  The children will explore characters and learn about the setting of Spain.  The children we be focusing on using a range of conjunctions to extend sentences.  We will continue to discuss how to use paragraphs correctly and build cohesion in our work. 
When practicing sentence writing at home, please do encourage the use of some of the conjunctions below:

Maths; Summer 1
Please find a list of objectives we will be covering during this half term. 



The Mediterranean Knowledge Organiser
Immersive Learning Day 20.4.22

We had a brilliant Immersive Learning Day looking at the Mediterranean. We looked at ways to travel around the Mediterranean and spoke about why people may travel by cruise ships. In groups, we designed and built our own cruise ship and shared these to the class. In the afternoon, we looked at different foods we would find and tasted them, yummy! We finished the day with some traditional Spanish dancing with our Flamenco dancer, Vanessa. We had a super day!


#littlethings for The Mediterranean. Weekly maths homework and answers to support parents. We also remind children to read as much as possible and take time to learn weekly spellings.


Year 4 were lucky enough to receive a parcel full of new atlases this week. We put these to great use in our first Geography lesson where we spent time exploring what we could find within the atlases, locating where we live and even where we were born! The children then identified which continents surround the Mediterranean sea and put these on their own maps.


How to look after your teeth! We have been completing the topic, 'Animals including Humans' in Science. We have spent time looking at our teeth and how to look after them.

English- Adventure story writing

Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at a book called 'Toro! Toro' by Michael Morpurgo. We took part in drama lessons, putting ourselves in the characters shoes and speaking about Bullfighting within Spain. The children have had some fantastic discussions in class about the Spanish tradition and what the role of the Matador was. After that, we planned our own adventure story thinking about what would happen to Antonito and Paco the bull when they escape from the farm! We then published our final story to create a class book of our adventures.

Shared Heritage Day- 23.05.2022

We had a fantastic morning looking at the different cultures that were shared within school. We tried a range of traditional foods from countries such as Iraq, South Africa and Saudi Arabia. We also had the opportunity to use some musical instruments and try on different clothing!

Reading for Pleasure

4 Otters enjoyed reading their books in the beautiful sunshine last week! We were making the most of the fresh air and peaceful surroundings.

Ralph Thoresby- 23.6.22

Year 4 had a fantastic afternoon at Ralph Thoresby despite the incredibly hot weather! They showed great enthusiasm towards the many PE activities they took part in with Year 10's and put 100% into the whole afternoon. Well done Year 4!

Otters trip to Pizza Express!

The children had a fantastic morning at Pizza Express. They became Italian chef's and made their own delicious pizza which smelt amazing! They were fantastic for the whole trip and represented Ireland Wood incredibly well when on the public bus going to Headingley. The children were able to relate all of their current knowledge from what they have learnt about Italy when looking at countries within the Mediterranean.