Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2021-2022  »  Year 1  »  Summer

Lego Workshop

The children used Lego software and followed instructions to create their own designs. They then built a Lego car and programmed it to move. They had the best time!

Science Week

We were set the challenge to create a boat to float on a chocolate river! Firstly, we looked at different materials then predicated what materials would float or sink. The children made a boat ready for the science competition.

Fruit Kebab Rockets

We designed and made fruit kebab rockets. We practiced our cutting skills to make the fruit just how we wanted. We then got to eat them and they were yummy!


In English we are focusing on instructions. We followed the instructions in the wrong order, we all made different jam sandwiches!

Buttercups Fruit Tasting

Today as part of our healthy eating week we enjoyed some fruit tasting. We had lots of different fruits including strawberries, blackberries, grapes, bananas and grapes. Lots of the children decided that strawberries were their favourite.

The National Railway Museum Trip

Today we enjoyed our school trip to The National Railway Museum. We all had lots of fun exploring the museum and completing our workshop about The Rocket.

Health and Safety Week

As part of our health and safety week the children made a healthy strawberry and banana smoothie. Children enjoyed drinking it and said they will make it again!

Jubilee Celebration

The children enjoyed their picnic outside celebrating the Queen's Jubilee.

Science - planting

Today we all planted a runner bean. We are going to keep a diary to see how it grows over the next few weeks.

Let's Go Travelling

Our new topic this half term is 'Let's Go Travelling'. We are going to learn all about different types of transport, who designed the first aeroplane and who the first female pilot was. We've booked an exciting trip to the National History Musuem on 8th June, where the children will explore trains from the past and learn how a steam train works. 

Wright Brothers - HISTORY
Transport Knowledge Organiser

Our new story for the next few weeks is Mrs Armitage on Wheels, today we read the story and the children acted out different parts of the story. Can you guess what they are?


The children went on an array hunt around the school, they found lots of different arrays. They then went and made different arrays using objects.


Please find the essential information for this term on the newsletter.


Here is a copy of our learning grid and weekly maths homework.

Immersive Day

The children found a parachute, aeroplane, hot air balloon and some pictures on the school muga. We wondered how and why they were there. In PE we used the parachute to play lots of different games.

History of Flight 1B

Today for our Topic lesson Buttercups learnt all about the history of flight. In pairs we made model aeroplanes and rockets and flew them on the playground to see which design flew the furthest.

History of Flight 1D

Our Topic this term is Transport. Today, we learnt about the history of flight. We made model aeroplanes and rockets and flew them on the playground.