Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Year 4  »  Autumn

Learning in Autumn Term

This term, the children will be learning all about Ancient Egypt! As part of their learning, they will research Ancient Egyptian society, discover the mysteries of ancient tombs and discover the treasures which have been left from the Ancient Egyptians. 

The children will be reading 'The Egyptian Cinderella' and developing character descriptions based on the book. The children will also develop non-chronological reports throughout the term, celebrate National Poetry Day and create information texts based on King Tut. 

The children will be focusing on deepening their understanding of place value during the start of the term.  Once confident, the children will progress onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

The children will be learning about States of Matter during Autumn 1. In Autumn 2, the children will learn about Electricity. 

Timestables and TT Rockstars

We practice timestables daily in year 4 and we encourage the children to continue to practice whilst at home. All the children have access to TT Rockstars (Please find their log in's in the back of your child's planner).  There are also many websites which can support with your child's learning of timestables, including

Homework #littlethings

Please find the Ancient Egyptian #littlethings homework attached for Autumn term.

We encourage the children to read at least 3x a week at home.  Please do record your child's reading in their reading diary. 
We read daily in school and encourage the children to read for pleasure!
Immersive Learning Day

We had such a fantastic time during our ancient Egyptian Immersive Learning Day. One of our favourite activities was mummifying a classmate. As part of the day, we also learned a dance and completed a virtual workshop with The British Museum!

Maths outdoors!
The mummification process!

This week, we have learned about the Ancient Egyptian mummification process and the steps which were taken by the embalmers. We then became embalmers ourselves and mummified a tomato! After finishing the process, we are going to observe the tomato over the next two weeks to see what happens to them. Can you remember the different steps we took?

Egyptian Death Masks

Year 4 had lots of fun creating their very own Egyptian death masks.

We became archaeologists!!

This week in History, we learned about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. We read the story of Howard Carter and how he kept the tomb a secret from other archaeologists until he had help from Lord Carnarvon who arrived 2 weeks after the telegram was sent! Today we became archaeologists ourselves and dug for artefacts in the sand, predicting what they could be.