Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Reception  »  Spring

Home Learning 10.03.2023

Good morning, we hope you have a fantastic time in the snow today. Please find below some short activities to complete at home. Outdoor Learning- If you are able to go outside, please make a snowman with your grown-up. Can you send a photo to your class teacher on Evidence Me? We will share these photos with your class friends on Monday.

Spring 1
This term our topic will be
Around the World
We will continue to develop our reading skills by working on Set 1 and Set 2 sounds;
  • Blending and segmenting
  • Reading common exception
words. Eg, the, to, I, go, no
  • Spell and write VC, CVC and
CVCC words independently
using Set 1 graphemes.
  • Begin to orally rehearse and
write short captions
This term our maths lessons and classroom provision will focus on:
  • Addition and subtraction- Numberbonds to 5
  • Counting to 20
  • Numbers to 10– comparing groups of 10
  • All about numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10.
  • Use some shape names appropriately and understand prepositional language.
  • We will also create a repeated pattern with colour and shape.
PSHE: -Dreams and goals: Setting a goal!
Mental Well being: What does it mean to feel proud?

Physical Development:
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
  • PE lessons: Stretching and curling and use of apparatus.
  • Sit at a table to write.
  • Holds a pencil in a tripod grip.
  • Use scissors to cut around more complex shapes, e.g. split pin characters
PE days: Please ensure your child/children have their indoor and outdoor PE kit in school.
Both classes have PE on a Friday afternoon. 
Expressive Arts and Design
In keyworker time we will be using different techniques and materials to achieve the desired effect and talking about what has been created. We will also uses a range of tools and equipment and select the most appropriate tool or joining material for the job.
Communication and Language
We will continue to implement classroom discussions, building on confidence and articulation. This will be delivered through: keyworker group sessions, topic discussions, role-play and discussion around our weekly text.
Understanding of the World
  • Animal Habitats
  • Recycling
  • Talking about significant historical events and how things were different in the past.
Red Nose Day
Spring Walk
Planting Seeds Investigation

This week, during our topic sessions we will be: developing observation skills,developing prediction, asking and answering how/why questions,offering explanations and making links,using specific but simple scientific vocabulary.

Artforms Music Lessons

This term, Reception are taking part in a weekly music session with Mrs Shakespeare. We have begun our lessons by learning to move in time to the pulse of the music. Throughout this term we will learn to; add sound effects to stories using instruments; interpret the sounds of instruments by distinguishing changes and learn how to play instruments with control to play-loud/quiet (dynamics) fast/slow (tempo).

Number Day

Reception children have all had such a fantastic day taking part in various maths activities. Today we have taken part in a math workshop; shared number stories; ordered numbers to 10 and found missing numbers in the sequence; made number block hats; played board games and printed using numicon on plates.

Chinese New Year
Key Worker Groups

Each week, Reception children take part in 4 key worker activities. The children work in small groups to ; visit the library, learn to build models using various materials and techniques, take part in a PSHE team build activity and have the opportunity to discuss key items or important events during in Show and Tell. Thank you for all of your amazing homework. The children have enjoyed sharing their work at the front on the class.

Number Ordering

This week we have been learning how to: order numbers to 10; find missing numbers within 10; find one more; find one less and spoke the mistake in the pattern.

Phonics Lessons
Art Gallery

This term the children have been developing different skills in art. We have done spiral patterns, printing and colour mixing.

Winter walk

We took the children on a walk around the school grounds to look for signs of winter. The children spotted trees with no leaves, berries, footprints and frost. We talked about evergreen trees staying green all year round.

Reading for Pleasure
Wonderful writing
Exploring Capacity

In maths we looked at full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. The children enjoyed exploring this independently during exploring time.

Design and Technology
Safer Internet Day

On Safer Internet Day the children learnt about what information should not be disclosed online. Smartie the penguin asked the children to sing the rhyme to help her remember the internet safety rules.

We are focussing on learning our tricky words this half term. We love singing along to the songs below. We recommend that children are supervised when watching YouTube. For added safety, you can turn off the autoplay function on YouTube. Please see the link below for further guidance on staying safe whilst streaming videos.

YouTube: A guide for parents
Tricky Words Phase 2 song
Tricky Words Phase 3 song
Tricky Words Phase 4 song