Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Year 1  »  Spring

Design Technology - Puppets

Today the children started to sew our puppets. They concentrated and did not give up and everyone completed their puppets. We also helped each other.

Maths - Snow Day

I have attached a maths worksheet for you to complete with your grown up. You do not have to complete every part of this sheet but I think you will enjoy the challenge.

Good morning! We hope you have an AMAZING time in the snow today! Here is a short English activity to keep you entertained when you come inside and need to get warm!

You could EITHER:

1. Draw a picture of yourself  dressed up ready for the snow and label the things you are wearing to stay warm!

2. Draw a picture of yourself playing in the snow and write some sentences to go with it!

Remember to use Fred Fingers to sound out your words and try to use your BEST handwriting! Then colour, paint or chalk your picture carefully.

Most of all - HAVE FUN!!!

Maths - Doubling

In maths we used objects to learn how to double up to 10!


In English we are going to create a postcard about our holiday to the seaside. Today we thought about what we might do. Some of us are swimming, sunbathing or digging up the sand.

Science - Senses

Today in class we discovered what part of our body we use to hear, see, smell, taste and touch.

Immersive Learning Day - Seaside

We arrived at school to find a treasure map and sand in our classroom. Pirates had visited! We followed the map and found some treasure. We had a brilliant day making treasure maps, treasure chests and fabulous giant pirate ships.