Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2022-2023  »  Year 2  »  Summer

Health and Safety Week

The children have enjoyed creating fruit kebabs, learning about how to keep a healthy mind and taking part in yoga.

Secret Agent

The children completed all their secret agent tasks, they have all worked really hard.


In art we created our own worry dolls.

Shared Heritage Day

The children explored different heritages from around the world.


Our topic this term is explorers, the children will learn all different types of explorers focusing on Christopher Columbus and Captain Cook. 


The children manipulated bits of paper to create a picture representing roots and shoots.

Diary Entry

As part of English the children created their own diary entries about an adventure they went on. They worked really hard and wrote a fantastic entry.

Year 2 SATs Parent Information Evening

Please see below the information from our Year 2 SATs parents meeting held on Thursday 4th May.

PE times.
Bluebells - Tuesday and Thursday
Snowdrops - Monday and Wednesday
Immersive Day

The children became explorers for the day and found new territory, they discovered a box with objects in and explored what they would need if they became explorers. The children created their own maps, designed and painted boats.


In English the children will write a diary entry as a famous explorer focusing on adjectives and expanding their sentences. The children will then write an adventure story and finally a biography for a famous explorer. We can't wait to share these with you. 


The first few weeks the children will learn how to tell the time to quarter to and quarter past. After this we will revisit subtraction and addition ready for the KS1 SATS. 


We will continue our topic animals including humans. After this we will learn about plants and what they need to survive, we will plant our own seeds and watch them grow. 


Here is our summer term homework grid. The children will continue to have weekly maths sheets which are sent home on a Friday. Remember when you complete your homework you get lots of team points!


Here are our spellings for the term.