Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2023-2024  »  Reception  »  Autumn


Here is the PowerPoint from our Phonics workshop. Please ask your class teacher if you have any questions.


Here are some pictures of our Nativity performance.

Dates for your Diary
. Stay and play Ladybirds 27th November 9-9.30am
. Stay and play Bumblebees 28th November 9-9.30am
. Phonics meeting 6th December 2.45pm and 5pm
. Christmas Nativity play 13th December 2.30-3pm
. Christmas jumper day 22nd December 

We have been very busy in Maths this term looking at the numbers up to 5.

Story Telling

This week in Topic we have been focusing on retelling the story of the GingerBread Boy. The children used actions to retell the story.

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Read Write Inc

At Ireland Wood Primary School, we follow the Read Write Inc literacy programme, to ensure every child is a successful reader. Phonics lessons are taught on a daily basis and are both fun and multi-sensory, to appeal to the different learning styles of our children. Please follow our progress in Reception, as we begin our learning journey.

These are the Set 1 Speed Sounds written with one letter:
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x.

These are the sounds written with two letters (your child will call these 'Special Friends') :
sh th ch qu ng nk ck.

You can help your child practise the Speed Sounds they have learnt by using the practice sheets in their Family Fun books. 

Please watch the following video to support your child when learning Set 1 Sounds
Sounds Pronunciation Guide

All children are now in groups and working at set 1 or set 2 sounds. 
People Who Help Us

This week we've learnt lots about people who help us. We had a visit from the police and a postman. The children thought of lots of great questions to ask them.


Communication & Language

We will be offering a wealth of opportunities where the children will need to speak, pay attention, listen and understand. They will listen during carpet inputs, listen to stories, interact with adults and other children and follow simple instructions.


Physical Development

We will be developing our co-ordination and movement by playing different games during our PE lessons and in the outside area. We will also improve our fine motor skills with the use of small equipment and play dough. We will ensure all children can wash and dry their hands thoroughly and we will be encouraging children to attend to their own toileting needs.


Personal, Emotional and Social Development

PSED is continually taught throughout each school day. We will support your child to make friends and learn to get on with others, understand and talk about their feelings, learn about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, develop independence and ultimately feel good about themselves.



We will be starting our reading and writing journey! The children will be beginning to learn their phonics with our programme called Read Write Inc. They will be introduced to a new sound each day. Daily sheets will be sent home for your child to practice forming the sound learnt. 

We will be teaching your child how to correctly form letters and how to write their name. A love for books will be fostered and Story time will be a feature every day! 



In Maths, we will be practising our counting and number recognition. We will ensure that we have an understanding of number to 5 including the composition of each number. We will also explore patterns with numbers to 5. We will be playing with and investigating shapes and encouraging the children to talk about them. We will be teaching them the names of 2D shapes.


Understanding the World

We will begin our learning for ‘Understanding the World’ by exploring the similarities and differences between all children in the class. We will discuss different cultures and share our own experiences.

As we move into Autumn we will be looking at our how our world around us changes.


Expressive Arts & Design

We will be exploring a variety of materials, tools and techniques and experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. The children will be drawing self-portraits and pictures of their family. We will celebrate these by displaying them in our classrooms.