Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2023-2024  »  Year 4  »  Autumn

Science - circuits!

We had a great time exploring how to make a circuit in science. We predicted whether we thought the circuit would work or not from a picture and then we tested it to see if the light bulb lit up!

Spanish visitor

We had a fantastic story time with our Spanish visitor, Stephanie, who taught us the names of different animals before reading us a story with these animals. We thoroughly enjoyed the games we played, in order to help us remember the different animal names.

RE visit

What a lovely visit we had from Kalpana Parmar this week, showing us lots of items that she has made and explaining to us the story of Diwali.

TTRockstars day

What fantastic outfits for TTRockstars day, well done year 4! Keep up all the hard work, practising your times tables at home.

Learning in Autumn Term
11 Mayan Temples That Will Transport You Back In Time
This term, the children will be learning about the Mayan civilisation! As part of their learning, they will explore who the Mayans were, where they came from, and what life was like for them. 

The children will be exploring the text 'Journey', creating their own narratives to carry this story on. 

The children will be focusing on deepening their understanding of place value during the start of the term.  Once confident, the children will progress onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

The children will be learning about States of Matter during Autumn 1. In Autumn 2, the children will learn about Electricity. 
Immersive Learning Day

In immersive learning day, we had different roles and we had to work together to make a Mayan temple out of Lego! We then had to complete different tasks in a Mayan escape room, some of these were really tricky! In the afternoon, we made Mayan masks out of clay.

Timestables and TT Rockstars

We practice timestables daily in year 4 and we encourage the children to continue to practice whilst at home. All the children have access to TT Rockstars (Please find their log in's in the back of your child's planner).  There are also many websites which can support with your child's learning of timestables, including