Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2023-2024  »  Year 2  »  Spring

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip

Today the children visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park. They enjoyed seeing the different animals as we walked around the park. We particularly enjoyed the polar bears that were swimming in the lake, the giraffes that were eating leaves in their house and the leopard that came very close to the glass! One of our favourite parts was walking through the wallaby’s enclosure. We loved it when the wallabies hopped across the path in front of us!

Geography continents

We really enjoyed learning about the different continents. We sang a song and worked with a partner to name all 7 continents and the different oceans.

Searching for micro habitats in science

We had a lovely time searching around our school grounds for micro habitats. We saw woodlice, slugs, worms, spiders, birds and beetles.

Hakuna Matata Immersive Day

We had a fantastic day launching our new topic Hakuna Matata. The children discovered a letter from a girl called Nana in Kenya. Her teacher has asked her to find out all about the UK. The children are eager to find out lots about our country and in return they will find out all about life in Kenya! We tasted fruits from the story Handa's Surprise. We made African Tribal Masks. We created some beautiful artwork showing the silhouette of African animals against a sunset. We even learnt an African dance and explored the rhythmn in African music.

Year 2

Our Spring topic is "Hakuna Matata". The children discovered a letter from a young girl in Kenya. She had been asked by her teacher to find out about the UK. The children are eager to help Nana with her homework and in return will find out all about life in Kenya! The children will learn how to explore a world and UK map, gloibe and atlas.They will also use aerial photographs to recognise human and physical features. In additiom they will take part in fieldwork lessons to observe features of the school grounds.


During our maths lessons, we will focus on money, multiplication and division and we will learn to measure length, height, capacity, mass and temperature.

This term, children will learn about: our emotions and how we and other react to them and our physical health and well being..

During our Science lessons we will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats. The children will learn about life processes, food chains and how animals are adapted to different habitiats. 

We will use world maps, atlases and globes to name, locate and identify the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. 
We will also use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and physical features. We will learn about the human and physical differences between the UK and Africa.