Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Curriculum  »  Curriculum (All subjects)  »  Maths

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
At Ireland Wood Primary School, we wholeheartedly believe that "The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathemetics." (Paul Halmos)

Intent, Implementation and Impact of Maths at Ireland Wood Primary School 

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  • Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
  • To reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
  • To build upon children’s knowledge and understanding, firstly from Reception, then from Year 1 to Year 6.
  • To develop resilience that enables all children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence.
  • To know that it is acceptable to make mistakes: it is through mistakes we often learn.

  • To ensure full topic coverage, the school follows the White Rose Maths scheme, but teachers keep a careful eye on their year group's national curriculum objectives, to ensure full coverage. Using the WRM scheme creates continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.
  • Daily maths lessons include fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Lessons are differentiated to ensure there is appropriate challenge for all learners.
  • Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations are used to support conceptual understanding and to make links across topics.
  • Children are individually assessed and rewarded for rapid recall of number bonds and some times tables (KS1) and times tables (Years 1-6).
  • Children complete a unit pre and post learning task to ensure progress is being made through their maths journey,
  • Children are assessed on a termly basis.

  • Most children reach end of year expectations.
  • Children’s progress is tracked
  • Well planned sequences of learning support children to develop and refine their maths skills.
  • Children are able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems.
  • Children are reasoning with increased confidence and accuracy.
We follow the National Curriculum (2014) in all year groups, using the White Rose Maths Scheme to support our teaching, whilst ensuring our content builds on the skills of Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. All children, whatever their capability, will experience some level of Mastery in their Maths learning.
Maths Policy 2022 - 2023
Maths Club
Each Wednesday, Mrs Collinson will open her classroom at lunchtime for keen and eager mathematicians to come along and do some tricky Maths - we really love to stretch ourselves and will explore looking at strategies with dice, drawing 3D shapes on isometric paper and also explore relationships between the 11 times table and Finding the Whole, using Cuisenaire Rods. We will also be doing some Algebra in Maths Club too! Keep a look out for more information in the Autumn term if you are intersted in joining the club! 
Maths Ambassadors at Ireland Wood School!
To help us celebrate all that we do in Maths at Ireland Wood, Y6 pupils are soon to be encouraged to apply to be a Maths Ambassador for 2022 - 2023. Application forms will be made available in the Autumn Term. 
It is hoped that each Ambassador will be assigned to one particular class for the year, but they will all be involved in many other activities together throughout the year, assisting Mrs Collinson in making maths great at Ireland Wood! Have a read of the information below to find out what a Maths Ambassador at IWPS will be doing! 

The role of a Maths Ambassador at IWPS
  • To share a love of maths with your given class.
  • To celebrate achievements in the school/your classTo explain how we see maths at IWPS to visitors
  • To lead activities relating to maths.
  • To give the pupils in your given class a voice: to help them share ideas.
  • To support other members of the school.
  • To introduce competitions and new ideas.
  • To raise the profile of maths in school.
NSPCC Number Day

On a Friday in February, the children (and staff!) were invited to 'Dress as a Digit' and contribute £1 towards the NSPCC, a charity close to our hearts at IWPS. Maths Ambassadors led 'In a Minute' activities in their assigned classes and Marshmallow challenges, among others, were held throughout the day. We all had a lot of fun exploring maths too, including two Maths Trails around KS1 and KS2.

Number Days at IWPS!

Because National Number Day clashed with another event at IWPS, we decided to celebrate over two days. We invited the Happy Puzzle Company in to deliver some fun maths workshops and spent the rest of our days doing maths! Teamwork was definitely the order of the day!


We worked really hard with Adel Primary School, Cookridge Primary School and Iveson Primary School to create a set of amazing calculation videos.

Can you solve the Maths problem before the time runs out? Watch the
end of the video to check your answer!

Iveson Primary School model how to add larger numbers using the 'column' method.

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Adel St John Primary School model how to subtract larger numbers using the 'column' method.

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Cookridge Primary School model how to multiply larger numbers using the 'grid' method.

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Our very own mathematicians model how to use the 'bus stop' method to divide larger numbers.

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