Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2018-19  »  Year 4  »  Autumn

Launch Pad - The Mayans!

In year 4, we have launched our new topic for this half term: The Mayans!!! We learned that the Mayans were an ancient civilization and that we were going on a hunt for clues hidden all around the school grounds. In teams, we had to use our maps to locate each clue. The clues were hints towards different aspects of the Mayan civilization (e.g. what food they grew/what the buildings were like/what sports they played etc.) We had a brilliant time discovering and opening many new doors to learning and are looking forward to our adventure through the Mayan civilization!

Designing delightful chocolately treats!

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been exploring the magical world of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. We received an email from the world renowned chocolatier himself (well his P.A!). We were instructed to help Mr Wonka design a new chocolate to boost sales and save his factory. Here is a small sample of the amazing work we have been creating in year 4!

Year 4 have made a brilliant start to the year and are looking forward to all that is still to come! For the remainder of the Autumn term we will continue to build up our understanding of the year 4 curriculum to be successfull learners.

This half term we will be working on our place value and calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children are given weekly homework to support their learning in school.

We are currently learning how to structure our writing for effective, interesting writing. We will look closely at sentence structure as well as how to use paragraphs and speech punctuation.

Our Wonder for Autumn 1 is ... Who are the gurus?
We are exploring the Sikh religion, finding out about how the religion began in the Punjab region of India and following how it has been passed down through the generations. We will be finding out how Sikhs live on a daily basis and what theiy believe.

Our Wonder for Autumn 2 is ... What did the Mayans do for us?
We are exploring who the ancient Mayan civilisation were and where they lived. We are looking at how they discovered the cocoa bean and put it into a hot, bitter drink. We are comparing how chocolate has changed to be like the bars of chocolate we enjoy today!