Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 1  »  Distance Learning  »  English

Wednesday 15th July 2020
Moving from Year 1 to Year 2

Even though it has been a very strange end to the year, we had two jam-packed terms of fun learning and experiences in Year 1! 

Today write some sentences about your time in Year 1:
What did you enjoy?
What lessons have been your favourites?
Which topic did you like the most?
Have you made different friends this year?
What have you improved at the most?
What would you like to work on next year?
What are you looking forward to about Year 2?
What would you like to improve?

Have fun thinking about your Year 1 experience and about the fun to come in Year 2! ;o)

Tuesday 14th July
Julia Donaldson - A New Book!

We have enjoyed many of Julia Donaldson's awesome books over the last few weeks. 
Today,  have a go at thinking of a title for a brand new Julia Donaldson type book and then design a front cover for it.

What might she choose to write about next? Would it link to any of her other stories? Who might her next main character be? What might the front cover look like?

Try to make the cover bright and colourful just like the others ;o)
Monday 13th July 2020
Julia Donaldson

Which Julia Donaldson book did you like the most?

Can you write a book review of the book you enjoyed the most? What could you include?:
  • What the story is about
  • Your favourite character from the story
  • Why you liked the book 
  • Your favourite part
  • Give it a score out of 5
You could also illustrate and decorate it! Have fun! ;o)
Friday 10th July 2020
The Snail and the Whale - Description

Re-read, re-watch or re-listen to the story.
The setting of the story is the sea. Can you think of adjectives to describe the sea? For example, turquoise, shallow, calm...
Can you think of words to describe how the sea moves? For example, rippling, crashing....

Can you write some sentences to describe the sea as though it is a setting in a story. Imagine what kind of feeling you want to create... Is there a storm? Is it a bright sunny sky day with a calm sea? Is it nightime in the middle of the ocean?

The Snail and the Whale - description
Thursday 9th July
The Snail and the Whale


Watch The Snail and the Whale here:, listen to it here:  or if you have a copy at home, read it yourself!
Did you like the story? Which part did you like the most and why? Do you think there is a message in this story?


Imagine you are the snail in the story and you can choose a place to visit with the whale. Where will you go? Write a list of items you will pack in your bag to take with you, and explain why you would take them.

*Use phonics to sound out each item on your list!
*Start a new line for each item:


The Snail and the Whale - List of Items
Wednesday 8th July 2020
The Highway Rat - An Apology 

Retell the story of The Highway Rat to someone in your house, a relative on Facetime, your teddies or your pet! 
Do you like the story? What do you like or dislike about it?

By the end of the story the Highway Rat has learnt his lesson. He chooses to get a job and to be kind to others.
Can you write a letter from the Highway Rat to the animals he stole from at the beginning of the story to say sorry and ask for their forgiveness?
What does a letter look like? How should it start? Would you use I or he? How would it finish?
Here is an example of what a letter should look like.

Have fun writing yours!
The Highway Rat - Apology
Tuesday 7th July 2020
The Highway Rat - Hero

Re-watch or reread the story of The Highway Rat. In this story the duck becomes the hero by tricking the Highway Rat so that he learns his lesson and stops stealing from others. 

If you were the hero in the story, how would you stop the Highway Rat stealing? How would you help?
Can you write some sentences using correct punctuation? You could also try to use conjunctions to explain your ideas:    so    because    but    and
The Highway Rat - Hero
Monday 6th July 2020
The Highway Rat - Wanted!

Watch the story of the Highway Rat here:  or listen to it here: If you have a copy of your own, perhaps you could read it aloud instead?

The Highway Rat steals things from other people.
Can you make a WANTED poster for him in case the police need to find him?

You need to include his name, a description of what he looks like and say why he is wanted. You could draw a picture of him too!

Remember to write in clear sentences and use correct punctuation. You can use adjectives (describing words) to describe his appearance.

The Highway Rat - WANTED
Friday 3rd July 2020
Room on the Broom - A Terrible Beast!

At the end of the story, the witch is saved by 'a terrible beast'!

Who is the terrible beast?
How does it save the witch?
Is it such a terrible beast after all? 

Write some sentences about the 'beast'.
Room on the Broom - A Terrible Beast!
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Room on the Broom - A New Adventure

Re-read, re-watch or retell the story of Room on the Broom. You could even act it with your teddies... ;o)

What other adventures do you think the witch might go on? Where might she go next? Can you think of a cool adventure for the witch to go on?

Write about the adventure you've thought of and draw a picture to go with it. 

Remember to use punctuation and try to use adjectives (describing words) and interesting verbs (doing words) to make your sentences better!
Room on the Broom - Traveling
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Room on the Broom - A Magic Spell!

So far this week you should have designed a new and improved broomstick and made up a potion to create it! We hope you are having fun!

Today you are going to write a spell to say whilst you are making the potion to make the broomstick!

You can do this however you like... It could rhyme or not, it could use magic words like abracadabra or alakazam or not...
Here is an example to help you to get started:

Room on the Broom - Magic Spell
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Create a Potion!

Reread or rewatch the story of Room on the Broom. Do you like the story? Talk or think about the parts of the story that you like and give some reasons why.

Imagine that you are going to create a magic potion that the witch can use to make the new broom you designed yesterday... What ingredients might you put in the potion? Can you write a recipe for the potion? It will need an ingredients list and a method for how to make it. 

Have a look at this short video to get some ideas:

Always remember full stops and capital letters in your writing too!!!!!

Monday 29th June 2020

Room on the Broom - New Broom

This week's Julia Donaldson story is Room on the Broom! Watch the film here or listen to the story here

The witch rides on a broomstick which has magic powers. Can you design a new and improved broomstick for the witch? What would it look like? What would its magic powers be? 

Draw the new broomstick and label it's cool features!
Room on the Broom - new broom!
Friday 26th June
Rhyming Words

Re-read or re-watch the Gruffalo. What
rhyming words can you spot?
Make a rhyming page: write the rhyming words out in matching colours and draw little pictures to match:

Thursday 25th June
Design your own Gruffalo!

Can you design your own Gruffalo? Have a think about what you want yours to look like. Try to make it look different to the real Gruffalo!
The real Gruffalo has terrible tusks and terrible jaws, orange eyes, a long black tongue, pointy horns on his head, a posionous wart at the end of his nose, purple prickles all over his back and razor-sharp claws.
What features do you want your Gruffalo to have? 
Draw/ colour/ paint/ collage/ model your Gruffalo and then label his features. 

Design your own Gruffalo!
Wednesday 24th June
Meeting the Gruffalo

We hope you enjoyed creating your Gruffalo-themed menu yesterday... If you actually met the Gruffalo, what would you say?

Ask someone in your family to act as the Gruffalo (or choose one of your teddies to be him!) and role play a conversation with him.. What would you want to talk to him about? What would you want to know? Would you ask him some questions? Would you tell him that he was tricked by the mouse?

Write down what you would say to the Gruffalo in sentences. Remember to use punctuation - this time you could use question marks too! 
Meeting the Gruffalo
Tuesday 23rd June

The Gruffalo Restaurant
In The Gruffalo there are lots of interesting foods... Scrambled Snake, Owl Ice Cream, Roasted Fox and Gruffalo Crumble. If you were creating a menu for a Gruffalo restaurant, what other foods can you think of? Design  your menu!

You could write your menu out in fancy writing and decorate it:




The Gruffalo Menu
Monday 22nd June 2020

The Gruffalo    

Last week we were reading/ watching, thinking and writing about Zog, the hard-working dragon created by author Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson has created lots of unique characters which appear in her fun and captivating stories for children, and many of them have been made into films too! 
This week we are beginning with another of Julia Donaldson's books,
The Gruffalo.

Read the Gruffalo yourself if you have a copy. Or click on the link to listen to it being read:
You could even watch the film here:

Check out the task below and get writing! Try to use adjectives and choose interesting verbs which will really 'paint a picture'. 
CHALLENGE: Try to think of different ways to start your sentences!
MONDAY - The Gruffalo
Friday 19th June

Flying with Zog!

Zog gets to fly around to wherever he wants to go! He can see amazing things from the sky!
If you were flying with Zog, how do you think you would feel? Where would you choose to go? What might you see?

Write some sentences describing your ideas.... Or you could write a story about an adventure you would go on with Zog ;o)
Flying with Zog
Thursday 18th June


Zog dreamed of being a GREAT dragon and he went to Dragon School to learn how to become one. 
He listened well at school, he worked as hard as he could, he tried his very best and he NEVER gave up!
What would you like to do when you grow up? What are your dreams? Can you explain why?
Write some sentences about what you would like to do or be when you grow up and explain why.
What will you need to do to get there?

Remember: punctuation (full stops, CAPITAL letters, exclamation marks ! and question marks ?), adjectives and interesting verbs!

 You could even add some illustrations to your writing.

Wednesday 17th June 

ZOG - Dragon School Skills
Yesterday you hopefully watched or read Zog. Zog is a dragon who learns many skills throughout his time at school. In the end Zog can do all sorts of different things! Have a think about all the skills Zog learns whilst he is training to be a dragon at Dragon School.

When you've done that, write some sentences explaining how to become a dragon.

Try to remember punctuation such as capital lettersfull
stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Use exciting adjectives (describing words) and try to choose some interesting verbs (doing words).
Dragon School Skills

Tuesday 16th June 
Superhero Superpowers!

Yesterday we were thinking about how you should behave if you were a superhero. Superheroes have many superpowers: flying, turning things into ice, seeing through walls, superstrength, superspeed.....and so on.
If you were a superhero, what would your own superpower be and why?

Write some sentences describing your superpower and explaining why you think this superpower is the best!

For something extra:
Zog is the story about a dragon who learns some super skills. Why not watch it here: 
or read it yourself if you have a copy at home?

What's your superpower?
Monday 15th June 2020
English in school today is all about being a
superhero... If you were a superhero how should you behave?
Draw/ paint a picture or make a model of yourself as a superhero and then write some sentences to explain how they should behave.

CHALLENGE: Try to use CONJUNCTIONS (and, because, but, so)

EXAMPLE: As a superhero I must be kind and helpful because if someone is a hero they should help other people and think of others before themselves. I must be brave because I might have to climb up tall buildings or fly high through the sky to catch baddies or save the world. 
How should a superhero behave?

W/C 8th June ENGLISH
This week in BBC Bitesize English there are fun games to play based on phonics and sentences. Spend some time exploring them if you can! Otherwise, just have a go at the activities. 

Monday: Developing vocabulary
Tuesday: Questions
Wednesday: Zigzag letters
Thursday: 4 types of sentences
Friday: Reading - The Night Box

W/C 1st June

We look forward to reading some exciting sentences about pirates this week! Here is the link for this weeks lessons

This week we are focusing on:

Lesson 1: To use full stops and capital letters 
Lesson 2: To write commands
Lesson 3: To use suffixes 
Lesson 4: To use question and exclamation marks 
Lesson 5: To use the suffix 'ly' 
W/C 18th May

We hope you enjoyed last weeks BBC Bitesize daily English lessons, we read some brillant descriptions about the desert. Here is the link for this weeks lessons

This week we are focusing on:

Lesson 1: To develop vocabulary 
Lesson 2: To use full stops and capital letters
Lesson 3: To form letters
Lesson 4: To write the days of the week 
Lesson 5: Reading 
W/C 11th May

We will be using the BBC Bitesize daily English lessons, so there is always learning to be had and work to do! The Karate Cat and Small Town Superhero are good fun. Here is the link

This week we are focusing on:

Lesson 1: To use phonics to develop vocabulary about exploring
Lesson 2: To use and in a sentence 
Lessons 3: To form letters
Lesson 4: To use exclamation marks
Lesson 5: Reading 

W/C 4/5/20 English Tasks

This weeks English tasks are focused on VE day celebrations. There is a information powerpoint for you to read which explains all about VE day.

English Tasks

English tasks for W/C 27th April. Remember to try your best at all times.

English Tasks

W/C 20th April. Remember to try your best and apply all your skills you've learnt in year 1 when completing these.

English Tasks

Week Beginning 30.03.2020 - English Tasks

English Tasks

Week Beginning 23.03.2020 - English Tasks

Read Write Inc – Beech Hill School

RWI Phonics lessons at home 

Free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on YouTube and via Facebook for children to watch at home: three short Speed Sound lessons every day.

From Monday 23rd March and for the next two weeks, films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am

Additional films and resources for home reading on

Daily updates on Facebook and Twitter for regular tips to support reading and writing at home.


Home reading hotline

From today, there is an email hotline for parents and carers helping children learning to read at home with Read Write Inc. Phonics.

Oxford Owl for Home from Oxford University Press

  • 72 free eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks
  • 62 Speed Sounds practice sheets
  • 28 Ditty practice sheets
  • Parent information booklets
  • 8 Speedy Green Words slideshows

Resources will be on Oxford Owl for Home over the coming days and weeks.

Parents and carers will need to login to access eBooks.