Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 1  »  Distance Learning

It's the last day of Year 1!!!!!

What a super strange year it has been! We are so sad that we didn't get to finish the year with you all - you had all made such great improvements in one way or another since leaving Reception.
We hope that you and your families have all managed to stay safe and that you are now ready for a fun and relaxing summer! Lots of you have been working really hard at home this term and we are really impressed with all of you who have managed to do some learning each day - You should be really proud of yourselves.
We wish all of you the best of luck in Year 2 and we are sure that you will do your best to try and return with a positive and hard working attitude in September when we all return to school properly.
Have fun this summer and we will see you then!
Love from the Year 1 Team ;o)
This week is National School Sport Week at Home 2020

Join in with this fantastic week-long celebration of sport and wellbeing. Check out the attached activity ideas and keep an eye out for the challenges on our school twitter page. Enjoy!

Resilence PSHE

This week in PSHE we are focusing on being resilient with our 'can-do' attitude. The slides are based on the story Zog which is in the English section. We would love to hear how you've been resilient.

Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning Year 1! Some children from Year 1 are starting back at school today so good luck to them! If you are still staying at home then there will still be plenty of work for you to be getting on with so you dont need to worry about that! ;o)
Some of our learning in Maths and English will still be linked to BBC Bitesize but some of it may not, as we really want you guys at home to be learning the same things as the children in school. So check on here to find out what the learning in English and Maths is each day.
Learning in the other areas will stay the same so you can continue to work on the #littlethings or you can use the BBC Bitesize topic lessons each day... or a mix of both!
Head over to the Distance Learning Maths and English pages now to find out what today's learning is all about!
Hello Year 1
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Monday 8th June
Hellllllooooo!!!!! How are you all getting on? We hope that you are ok?! We still miss you all and think about you regularly. 
We really hope that you are happy and safe and are managing to get some learning done each day :0)

This week's Maths is now live on the Distance Learning Maths page OR you could head straight to the BBC Bitesize page for Year 1 and get started straight away! This week is alll about Counting, a little bit of adding and even some FOOTBALL maths! 

This week's Topic lessons on BBC Bitesize are interesting and fun:

Monday - HISTORY: Ghandi
Tuesday - GEOGRAPHY: Introduction to North America -San Francisco
Wednesday - SCIENCE: Squashing, bending, twisting and stretching
Thursday - SPANISH: Numbers and songs
Friday - ART AND DESIGN: Sculpture

Have fun exploring all the areas of the curriculum! :O)  Hit the link below to start now:

Week beginning Monday 1st June
Good morning Year 1! We hope you had a great half term and spent some time in the fresh air and sunshine! 

We are still missing you all VERY much and we hope that you are all ok... Well done to those of you who have been keeping up with the work that we have been setting on here! It will definitely help you next year when you move to Year 2. If you haven't been doing as much as you could have up to now, there is still time to make a start, so put your learning hat on and get going!!!

Maths This week's maths is still linked to BBC Bitesize and is all about measuring. You will find the link on our maths page right now or just head over to the Bitesize website and look for Year 1 and then Maths. I will also be adding further challenges to our maths page for those of you who find that you are completing the Bitesize maths work easily. Check it out!
A great way to start each day of maths would be to spend a few minutes practising counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, practising number pairs within 10 and then 20, or finding 1 or 10 more or less than any number upto 100.

Topic this week is on Bitesize:
Monday 1st June -  HISTORY: Queen Victoria 
Tuesday 2nd June - GEOGRAPHY: Rio de Janeiro, South America
Wednesday 3rd June - SCIENCE: Habitats
Thursday 4th June - FRENCH: Greetings and numbers
Friday 5th June - DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY: Packaging

Monday 18th May! 

Hello Year 1! We all hope that you are all okay and have had a good weekend! The sunshine is supposed to come back out this week.. yepee! 

Your Maths and English lessons for the week are now on the Distance Learning Maths and English pages, so head there to find out what you will be learning this week in those subjects. There are lots of interesting videos, fun games and cool activities for you to watch, play and do so enjoy building your independence even further with your home learning this week!

The Topic lessons on BBC BITESIZE this week will also be appearing on the Bitesize website every day so you will be able to continue your learning in all areas of the curriculum. This week the lessons will focus on:

Monday: History - Elizabeth l
Tuesday: Geography - Introduction to Oceania 
Wednesday: Science - Basic Forces 
Thursday: Computing - How Programming and Games work 
Friday: Mysic - Found Sounds

Here is the link to the BBC BITESIZE page:

Have fun and remember to email your work to us if you want to!

Mrs Stringer, Mrs Thomas and Miss Whitaker! X

Hello Year 1! Hope you are all okay and are still washing those hands! Mrs Smith (our Music teacher!) has created a Music lesson for you! Have a watch!
Monday 11th May

Good morning Year 1! We hope you had a great weekend and that you enjoyed the VE Day celebrations and the sunshine!
Your Maths and English lessons for the week are now on the Distance Learning Maths and English pages, so head there to find out what you will be learning this week in those subjects. There are lots of interesting videos, fun games and cool activities for you to watch, play and do ;o) so enjoy building your independence even further with your home learning this week!

The Topic lessons on BBC BITESIZE this week will also be appearing on the Bitesize website every day so you will be able to continue your learning in all areas of the curriculum. This week the lessons will focus on:

Monday: History - King Henry VIII
Tuesday: Geography - Introduction to Asia
Wednesday: Science - Animal groups
Thursday: Design and Technology - Simple designs
Friday: Art and Design - Drawing and painting

Here is the link to the BBC BITESIZE page:

What a great chance to learn about all these interesting things and practise your skills in all areas! Have fun and remember to email your work to us if you want to!

Mrs Stringer, Mrs Thomas and Miss Whitaker ;O)
Friday 8th May 
Today is a day to celebrate the end of World War 2. Why not do some VE Day activities from TWINKL, have a tea party in the garden and play some games together ;o) 
Thursday 7th May
Morning! The maths for today is on the Maths page. You can practise counting forwards and backwards and then practise some adding by counting on. Head there now and click on the link for Bitesize!
Today's FUN topic lesson is Computing. You can find out all about coding and can practise coding by playing some cool games ;o)
Have fun!
Wednesday 6th May 
We've reached the middle of the week! ;O) If you haven't done much learning this week, now is your chance to start! 
The Maths is all about adding today. Find the link to Bitesize on our Distance Learning Maths page. You will be able to watch a video and complete some interactive addition questions. Good luck!
Today's Topic lesson is Science. You can find out all about the parts of a plant. There are some videos, a quiz and some plant colouring sheets to complete. Loads of fun! Have a go!
Tuesday 5th May 
Happy Tuesday Year 1! We hope you enjoyed the BBC Bitesize Maths work yesterday and the Topic too if you explored that.
Today's Maths is on the Maths page now - There's some fun Karate Cat adding and subtracting! Head over there now and GET STARTED!!! ;O)

Here is today's Geography Topic lesson. You can learn all about Nigeria in Africa! Why not have a look!
Week beginning 4.5.20

Good morning Year 1! It has been great to speak to most of you or your parents over the last couple of weeks. We miss you all very much. We hope you are all still ok and are trying to do some learning at home - a bit of English, Maths and Topic/ #littlethings each day would be perfect! ;o) 

If you head to the Maths section of this Distance Learning Page NOW you will find your FUN maths work for today! ;O) We will be using the BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons from now on,  so there is always learning to be had and work to do! 

On the bbc Bitesize website there are also daily Topic lessons with lots of interesting videos, fun games and practise work to do. You could use the #littlethings ideas OR you could use these daily topic lessons to complete some Year 1 learning. Today's lesson is HISTORY. You will find out all about a famous lady from the past named Boudicca!

You can complete any written work in your home learning book and we would love to see some of your favourite pieces of work through our email:

Remember to check on here every morning or you could head straight to the Bitesize website to find the daily Maths and Topic work!

Love from Mrs Stringer, Mrs Thomas and Miss Whitaker

If you've got any questions or would like to share your work here is our email address: 

BBC Bitesize are now offering three lessons a day. Here is the link

Thank you 
Hello year 1
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Hello Year 1!!!!

We hope you are all ok and are staying safe? We are all missing you guys and hope that you are not finding it too strange being off school and having to stay at home for such a long time! I'm sure you've all been VERY busy practising phonics, reading and writing and doing some number work, like counting forwards and backwards and adding and subtracting... ;o) ;o) ;o)
Remember that you have ALL worked SOOOOOOOO hard in Year 1 and you dont want to forget all the amazing things that you have learnt so far, so it really is important that you keep trying to do a bit of learning each day if you can in whatever way you choose!

Now the actual Easter holiday is here so it's time to do some fun Easter activities too!

In my house this week we have been making things for Easter. We have been practising measuring to make some Easter nests and an Easter cake, because EVERYBODY wants to eat chocolate in as many different ways as possible at Easter time! ;o)

We have also made some Easter cards and a chick picture to cheer everyone up. Jake practised his cutting skills to make his!

And - not very Easter-y - but we have also been reading lots of Elmer stories and have made an Elmer the Elephant out of a plastic milk bottle and coloured paper. Look for the pictures/ links to these activities and have a go yourselves if you fancy it! We are also adding some Easter English and Easter maths activities onto theYear 1 English and Maths pages for you to have a go at if you like.

Remember that you can send us an email to show us what you have been doing. We would love to hear how you are all getting on. Have fun!


Use an old milk bottle carton to make Elmer the elephant with squares of coloured paper and glue. Be careful and ask someone to help you with the cutting! Then you could read some Elmer stories or make one up of your own!!! Next time, we're going to make Wilbur ;o)

Get messy and make Easter cards!

Use yellow and orange paint to make Easter cards.

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate!!!

Use your measuring skills to bake a chocolate Easter cake or some chocolate-tastic Easter nests!

Make this cracking Easter chick!

Practise your cutting skills to make an Easter chick from 2d shapes!