Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 1  »  Distance Learning  »  Maths

Writing and Measuring Time

Counting in 2s forwards and backwards... clap whenever you say a number which is also a multiple of 10 (in the 10s numbers).

Making 10 and 20 - write or draw all the number pairs which make ten. Then make or draw all the number pairs which make 20. What do you notice? Do you see any similarities between the two sets of number pairs?

BBC Bitesize - Writing and measuring time. Click to head over to the page and get investigating some timed activities!

Telling the Time

Counting in 2s

Number pairs within 20 - Click on this link to play the Smoothie Maths game and choose 'facts within 20    .... If this is a bit tricky, try 'facts within 10' to warm up!

Head to BBC Bitesize to learn all about half past times

Have a go at the activities too!
Telling the Time

Count in steps of 1 forwards and backwards from any 2 digit number...  Now try in 10s.....

Find all the number pairs to make 17... How many did you find?

Today's lesson is all about telling the time. Click on this link to BBC Bitesize to watch the presentation and complete the activities:
Plant Problem Solve

Try some counting in 2s and 10s... Write down the numbers you say in each. Are any of the numbers the same?

Choose a number and find all the ways to make it in this game:

Today's problem solving is on the sheet below. Have a go and take your time! ;o)

Plant Problem Solve
Sorting 2D and 3D Shapes

Counting Time! Click here to count in 2s:

Find the number pairs to 20 in this Hit The Button game:

Have a go at sorting the 2D and 3D shapes on the hard harder hardest sheet below. This might help when you reach the harder task - sorting shapes in a Carroll diagram:
HHH Sorting 2D and 3D Shapes
3D Shape

As usual, start off with some counting forwards and backwards in 10s!

Can you find all the number pairs to 16? How many did you find?

Today's lesson is all about 3D Shape... Click here for some help:

Now try the hard harder hardest 3d Shape sheet below!
2D Shape

Start off with some counting from any 2 digit number, forwards and backwards in 1s. 

How many ways can you make 13? Try to make sure that you have found them all!

Todays lesson is all about 2D shape. Click here to remind yourself about different 2d shapes:

Click on the HHH 2D Shapes sheet below and get started!

Number bonds within 20

Click here for some counting in 5s with exercises:

Today's lesson is all about finding different number bonds for any number within 20... For example, how many ways can you make 7? :
0 + 7
1 + 6
2 + 5
3 + 4 
4 + 3
5 + 2
6 + 1
7 + 0 

If you are finding as many ways as possible to make a given number, remember that it is helpful to do this in order (as shown above), so that you are less likely to miss any out!

Click on the hard harder harder sheet below to get started!
HHH number bonds within 20
Problem Solving

Have a go at solving these puzzles. You will probably need to have a few goes but try not to give up!

Number bonds to 10 and 20

Start by counting in 2s:
What do you notice about the pattern of the 2s?

Today's lesson is all about number bonds to 10 and 20. Have a look here for some practise:

Now have a go at the hard harder hardest sheet below! There are some challenges too!

If you fancy moving and singing a number bond song, click here:
HHH Number Bonds within 20 and Challenges!
Related Facts

Start today with some counting in 2s.... If you need some help you could use pairs of socks to help! Remember when you count you should always count forwards and backwards.

Can you name all the number pairs to 10 quickly? 0 and 10, 1 and 9, 2 and 8.....

Today's maths is all about related number facts. Here is an example: 

4 + 5 = 9
5 + 4 = 9
9 - 4 = 5
9 - 5 = 4

For more help, click here:

Now have a go at the hard harder hardest related facts sheet below. Why not try the challenges too? Have fun fact-finding! ;o)
Related Facts HHH and Challenges

Start with counting in 1s forwards and backwards starting from a 2 digit number, for example, 65...66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
and 54.... 53, 52, 51, 50, 49...

Today's lesson is all about subtraction. If you need a reminder about subtraction, click here

For help with subtracting using a number line, this might help:

Click on the hard harder hardest sheet below and have a go. There are some challenges to complete too! This short video about the part-whole model might help with completing the missing number questions
Subtracting HHH and Challenges

Adding to 20

Start off with some counting in tens. Can you say the ten times table?
0 times 10 is 0
1 times 10 is 10
2 times 10 is 20
3 times 10 is 30 
4 times 10 is 40...and so on.

Can you answer these 10 x table questions quickly?

What is 5 times 10? 
9 times 10?
3 times 10?
10 times 4?
10 times 8?

Today we are adding. If you need a reminder of what adding is, click here

Click here for help with adding by counting on and here

Now have a go at the hard harder hardest sheet below.... There are some challenges too! Have fun!

HHH Adding to 20 and Challenges
Problem Solving

Start by counting in tens forwards and backwards, thinking about the patterns and then saying the ten times table out loud.

Now have a go at the Noah's Ark problem solving activity below!

CHALLENGE: What if Noah saw 25 legs walk by into the ark?
26.6.20 Problem Solving

Counting in 10s and the 10 x table

Practise counting in tens starting from 0 (0, 10, 20, 30...) and then try starting from a different number (1, 11, 21, 31, 41...). Remember to count forwards and then count back too! What patterns can you see or hear?

Have a look at the interactive activities and games here:

You could also practise SAYING the ten times table out loud:
1 times ten is 10, 2 times ten is 20, 3 times ten is 30, 4 times ten is 40..... all the way to 10 times ten is 100.

Complete the hard harder hardest sheet below ;o)
Now have a go at the challenges!
25.6.20 10 x Table hhh and Challenges
Ordering Numbers

Sing your favourite counting song to get started today! Then count forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s within 100. Start at 0 or start from a different number for extra challenge! 

Looking for patterns: When you count in 2s, 5s or 10s, do any numbers appear in each? For example, you say 10 when you count in 2s, in 5s and in 10s... Can you find any more?

Today we are ordering numbers from smallest to biggest within 100. Remember to look at the tens digit first to decide. If the tens digit is the same in 2 or more numbers, look at the ones digit to decide which is smaller or bigger.


15  31  22  12  25   29

In order from smallest to biggest:

12   15   22   25   29   31   

Click on the hard harder hardest sheet below and get started! 

Click on this link to Bitesize for more help or practise:
Hard Harder Hardest Ordering Numbers
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Today we are counting in 2s, 5s and 10s! Practise some counting out loud and think about the pattern of the numbers you say:

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20...

0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50...

0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100...

Then click on the hard, harder, hardest sheet below and have a go!

If you want to do more click on the link to Bitesize:

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Finding one more and one less

Ready for some counting? Get someone in your family to join in with you with these counting songs on Youtube:

Today we are finding one more and one less than a number! Remember that one less is the number that comes before and one more is the number that comes after:

one less   one more
23 24 25

Click on the link below to find today's hard, harder, hardest sheet one more one less.
If you fancy a challenge today click on the challenges link. Go on - have a go! ;o)

If you want even MORE practise, click on this link to the BBC Bitesize lesson all about one more and one less:
MONDAY one more/ one less

It's Friday! ;o) Have a go at solving the problem in the document below!

For more problem solving and challenges, click on the link to BBC Bitesize
Problem solving

Writing Numbers as Words
Start off with some counting in 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s... Remember to count forwards and backwards! Do you spot any patterns?
CHALLENGE: Can you start counting from 7 or 18?

Can you tell someone in your house all the number pairs which make 10 or just say them out loud?

Today's maths is all about writing numbers as words. Choose a number from the sheet below (Writing numbers as words) and write it as a word.
5 five
13 thirteen

If you find this a bit tricky, print off (or have a look at) the number words practise sheet.

For more practise: try the number words wordsearch!

For more challenge: try the challenge questions.
Today we are comparing numbers. Use the greater than, less than and equals signs (< > =) to compare the numbers on the Hard, Harder, Hardest Comparing Numbers sheet below. 
   15        >     8
... 15 is greater than 8
    7     <    24
...7 is less than 24
   41       =    41
...41 is equal to 41

For further practise, click on this link to Bitesize

Hard Harder Hardest Comparing Numbers

Today's maths is all about recognising tens and ones in 2 digit numbers.

For example:  
tens ones
1 5

15 is made up of 1 ten and 5 ones.
tens ones
4 6

46 is made up of 4 tens and 6 ones.

Have a look at this short clip on Bitesize and then have a go at the hard, harder, hardest tens and ones sheet below! ;o)

HHH Tens and Ones

Today's maths is all about counting forwards and backwards and writing numbers... Make sure you get ALL of the digits that you write the right way round! If this is a struggle for you NOW is a great time for you to get some practise and IMPROVE your digit writing! You know who you are! ;o) ;o) ;o)

When you have had a go at the hard harder hardest work, why not practise even more counting and number sequencing in some fun online games? Click on the blue link to PLAY:
Hard Harder Hardest counting work

Week beginning Monday 8th June MATHS MATHS MATHS

Ready for some counting Year 1?

MONDAY - Counting in 2s
TUESDAY - Counting in 5s
WEDNESDAY - Counting in 10s
THURSDAY - Equal groups and repreated addition
FRIDAY - Maths in football

Switch your counting skills switch and get started! Hit the link to get started on Bitesize!

MATHS CHALLENGES week beginning 8th June

Challenge your counting skills with these Maths Challenges. Some are harder than others!

MATHS CHALLENGES week beginning 1st June

Here are some problem solving and reasoning challenges based on mass and capacity. They link to this week's Maths Bitesize work. Have a go and remember to always try to explain your thoughts and ideas very clearly!

Week beginning Monday 1st June - MATHS

This week's maths is all about measuring and you will find it each day on the BBC Bitesize website in the Year 1 section under Maths each day. There are lots of fun practical activities to do at home this week so make sure you have a go each day! Remember that counting is VERY important so try to count forwards and backwards (within 100) for a few minutes each day as often as you can! This will help to make your maths brain wake up!

Monday 1st June - Measure mass
Tuesday 2nd June - Compare volume and capacity
Wednesday 3rd June - Measure capacity and volume
Thursday 4th June - Solve problems involving mass and capacity
Friday 5th June - Challenge of the week

Click on the link to head over to the Bitesize page for Year 1 right now:

Week beginning Monday 18th May - MATHS
This week we are continuing to use the lessons on BBC Bitesize. 
You will find lots of videos, games, interactive activities and work to print and complete, so there is lots of fun to be had for everyone! 
The new lessons will be added each day and will be:

Monday: Compare Length and Height 
Tuesday: Measure Length and Height 
Wednesday: Solving Problems Involving Length and Height 
Thursday: Compare Mass
Friday: Challenge of the week!

Here is the link to BBC BITESIZE:

Have fun and remember to KEEP COUNTING!!!
Week beginning 11th May 2020 - MATHS
This week we are continuing to use the lessons on BBC Bitesize every day.
You will find lots of videos, games, interactive activities and work to print and complete, so there is lots of fun to be had for everyone! ;o)
Now you've got the hang of it, the new lessons will be added each day and will be:

Monday: Add by making ten
Tuesday: How to subtract numbers
Wednesday: Addition & Subtraction word problems
Thursday: Using the greater than/ less than signs (< = >) to compare addition
Friday: Challenge of the week!

Here is the link to BBC BITESIZE:

Have fun and remember to KEEP COUNTING!!!

Thursday 7th May MATHS

Today's Maths gives you a chance to practise your counting and adding by counting. Click on the link to Bitesize and have a go!
Wednesday 6th May MATHS

Good morning Year 1! Well done if you have had a go at Bitesize maths this week ;o)
Today's lesson is all about addition. Click on the link
You can watch a short video, complete some online addition and use the missing number addition worksheet. You could also play the Karate Cats game if you missed it yesterday or just have another go if you enjoyed it! Happy adding!!!!
Tuesday 5th May MATHS

Want to have some fun exploring number fact families? Here is today's link to Bitesize Maths: 
You will learn all about addition and subtraction and how they link together. There is also a great game exploring this relationship at the end. Click now to watch the videos, complete the worksheets and use your skills to play the game! Karate chop your way to the end!
Monday 4th May MATHS!!!!!

Click  on the link to watch a video and sing a song about making number bonds on today's BBC Bitesize lesson.
You will then be able to play a game and  print some number bond sheets or write some number bonds in your home learning book.
Have fun!

Crack the code!

Can you crack the code by adding and subtracting?

Easter Maths!

Count chocolates, add chocolates, subtract chocolates.....and then eat them ;o) ;o)