Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019-20  »  Year 3  »  Distance Learning  »  Maths

Wednesday 15th July 2020 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Since it is the last day of school, we thought it would be fun for you to complete some code breakers. Enjoy! Just want to say a HUGE well done to all of you for your hard work, we are so proud of you all!

Week beginning 13.7.20

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 13th July 2020 - Comparing capacity. 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 

Tuesday 14th July 2020 - Adding and subtracting capacity. 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


W.C 6.7.20 - Early Bird Maths

Week beginning 6.7.20

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 6th July 2020 - Measuring Mass and weight in g and kg. 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Tuesday 7th July 2020 - Comparing Mass 
This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Wednesday 8th July 2020 - Adding and subtracting Mass 
This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Thursday 9th July 2020 - Measuring capacity 
This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Friday 10th July 2020 - challenge 
This is the link for today's maths:

Week beginning 29.6.20

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 29th June 2020 - Drawing lines and shapes accurately

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Tuesday 30th June 2020 - Recognising 2D shapes 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 


Wednesday 1st July 2020 - Recognising 3D shapes 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Thursday 2nd July 2020 - Telling the time to 5 minute intervals  

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 

Friday 3rd July 2020 - Challenge of the week 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


W/C 29.6.20 Early Bird Maths

Happy Monday Year 3!

This week for Maths we will not be using the BBC Bitesize as the children have not yet covered angles. This week we are going to recap statistics so the format will be different from previous weeks.

Lesson 1 – Pictograms. We have done this before. It is important that you look at the key carefully to see how many each picture is worth. Read the questions carefully. Remember when it asks you to find the difference you need to take the smallest number away from the biggest.


Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Today’s lesson is on bar charts.

We have done this before. Again, you need to ensure that you look carefully at what the axis is going up in. If you do not have a ruler at home to draw lines with, find a book or something with a straight edge to help you.


Wednesday 24th June 2020

Today’s lesson is on Tables.  

We have done this before. You need to make sure that you look carefully at the data.



Thursday 25th June 2020

Today’s lesson is on consolidating our understanding of statistics.  

I am sure that you have been amazing at the activities so far this week. Today’s lesson is to ensure that you have a good understanding before we move on. I am sure you will find this easy peasy.


Friday 26th June 2020

Today’s lesson is on problem solving.   

Just like on BBC bitesize you have had a challenge each week. Today you have a problem solving activity to complete. Challenge yourself!!


W.C 22.6.20 - Early Bird Maths
W/C 15.6.20 Early Bird Maths

Give yourself 15 minutes each day to complete the questions. Try and complete more each day of the week.

Week beginning 15.6.20

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 15th June 2020 - ordering fractions 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Tuesday 16th June 2020 - adding fractions 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Wednesday 17th June 2020 - subtracting fractions 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 


Thursday 18th June 2020 + and - fraction problem solving 
This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 


Friday 19th June 2020 – Challenges 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:



You can practice your Maths in lots of different ways at home 

- Times tables rockstars 
- Purple mash 
- Times table games 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns or questions 

From now we will be using BBC Bitesize for our Maths lessons. Each day there will be videos for you to watch to help remind you of the methods that you can use to help you complete the worksheets given. Watch the videos and then complete the worksheets attached below. 
W.C 8.6.20 - Early Bird Maths

Please complete Early Bird Maths every day this week. Give yourself 15 minutes to complete as many of the questions and see if you can complete more as the week goes on.


Week beginning 8.6.20

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 8th June 2020 - drawing equivalent fractions.

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:



Tuesday 9th June 2020 - simplifying equivalent fractions

This is the link for today’s maths:


Wednesday 10th June 2020 – Finding missing numerators and denominators

This is the link for today’s maths:


Thursday 11th June 2020 – Comparing fractions 

This is the link for today’s maths: 


Friday 12th June 2020 – Challenges 

This is the link for today’s maths: 


W.C 1.6.20 - Early Bird Maths

It would be brilliant if you could have a go at Early Bird Maths each day this week, just like you do in school. Give yourself 15 minutes to complete the questions and see if you can complete more each day. You should be really good at this!

Happy Friday Year 3! 

Another week of home learning almost complete!

Today we have some challenges for you to complete! Follow the link and have a go at this week’s challenges! Do your best!

The link to today's challenges is 

Have a go and see if you can complete them. 

Have a lovely weekend!! 

Thursday 4th June 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 

Today our lesson is non- unit fraction of an amount or set of objects.

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

Complete the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Don't forget to complete the
Early Bird Maths today! 

Remember to email us if you need any help.  

Thursday 4th June challenge sheet

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 


Today our lesson is all about unit fraction of an amount. You should all be really good at this!

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Wednesday 3rd June – Challenge

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Today our lesson is all about marking fractions on a number line (above 1).

You should all be really good at this after yesterday's work.

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Tuesday 2nd June extension


Happy Monday Year 3! Welcome back! 

We hope you had a brilliat break in the sunshine. Now back to business and this week we are continuing with fractions. 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Today our lesson is marking fractions on a number line (below 1).


Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Monday 1st June challenge sheet

Happy Friday Year 3! 

Another week of home learning nearly complete!

Today we have some challenges for you to complete! Follow the link and have a go at this week’s challenges! Do your best!

The link to today's challenges is 

Have a go and see if you can complete them. 

Have a lovely weekend!! 

Thursday 21st May 2020

This is the link for today's Maths is: 

Today’s lesson is tenthsYou should all be really good at this! 

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks. 

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Thursday 21st May Challenge

Wednesday 20th May 2020 

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Today's lesson is unit and non unit fractions. Do your best you should be really good at this! 

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks. 

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities. 

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Wednesday 20th May Challenges

Tuesday 19th May 2020 

This is the link for today’s maths lesson is:

Today our lesson is Identifying the fraction shaded. Do your best. You should all be really good at this! 

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks. 

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities. 

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks. 


Happy Monday Year 3!

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Today our lesson is making a whole. We have done this before so it should just be a recap.


Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.



Happy Friday Year 3! 

Another week of home learning nearly complete!

Today we have some challenges for you to complete! Follow the link and have a go at this week’s challenges! Do your best!

The link to today's challenges is 

Have a go and see if you can complete them. 

Have a lovely weekend!! 

Thursday 14th May 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:


Today’s lesson is dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. You can do this using base ten, tens and ones counters or part whole models.

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Wednesday 13th May 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks: 

Today our lesson is multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.  You were all amazing at this when we did it in class so I'm sure you will be brilliant at the tasks set today. Remember to use the column method to help you and to check your answers. 


Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.


Tuesday 12th May 2020

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Today our lesson is all about multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8. You should all be really good at this! Use the song you know to help you out! 

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Happy Monday Year 3!

This is the link for today’s maths tasks:

Today our lesson is multiplying and dividing by 3. You should all be really good at this!
Use the song you know to help you out! 

Watch the videos first as they will help you with each of the tasks.

The answers for all of the activities are posted underneath each of the activities.

You do not need to print these sheets off, you can do the activities online or write them into your workbooks.

Monday 11th May 2020 Lesson 1 – Multiplying and dividing by 3

Friday 8th May 

Yayyy! You’ve made it to Friday and nearly completed another week of home learning!

Today we have some challenges for you to complete! Follow the link and have a go at this week’s challenges! Do your best!

The link to today's challenges is

Thursday 6th May

Lesson 4 – Mixed addition and subtraction problems worksheet 

Today let’s see if you can apply your knowledge of addition and subtraction. Use the link again to help you as there will be videos to support with the activities. Also please have a look at the worksheet attached. 

The link to today's lesson is: 

Lesson 4 – Mixed addition and subtraction problems worksheet
Wednesday 6th May  

Today's Maths lesson is Efficient methods to add and subtract.  

The link to today's lesson is:

Again follow the link as there are two videos to support you with today's activities. These activities can be completed online or using your home learning books. 
Efficient addition and subtraction methods worksheet
Tuesday 5th May 

Today's Maths lesson is Subtracting three digit numbers. 

The link to today's lesson is:

Again follow the link as there will be videos to support you with today's activities. These activities can be completed online or using your home learning books. 

Have a look at the worksheet attached for some extra reasoning activities.
Happy Monday!  

Maths Lesson 1 – Adding three digit numbers
Use this link to help you. There are videos and activities that can be completed by following this link. These can be done in your home learning books.

The link to today's lesson is:
If you would like to challenge yourself, have a look at the reasoning questions attached on this sheet.

W/C 27.4.20

Week 2 Summer Term Maths work. You can do it! :)

W/C 20.4.20

Maths work for this week. These can be completed on the sheet or in your home learning books. Keep up the hard work!

W/C 30.3.20

This Week's Maths activities. Keep up your hard work and do your best!

W/C 23.3.20

Here is this week's Maths activities. Complete these on the sheets or using your home learning books. Do your best :)