Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2023-2024  »  Year 1  »  Autumn

Welcome to Year 1

Our Autumn topic is "Let's Go Travelling!". The children will explore how different types of transport has changed through time. They will understand what happened in the past and how that has changed the present.

They will also learn about the Wright brothers and how they designed and made the first aeroplane and how that changed transport.

During our maths lessons, we will focus on place value (within 10) and addition and subtraction (within 10).

Art and Design
This term we will introduce the children to their own sketchbooks. We will use drawing, collage and mark making to explore spirals. During our Art lessons, we will study the famous artists: Molly Haslund and Wassily Kandinsky.

Design and Technology
Throughout our Transport topic, we will create a moving vehicle with moving wheels. We will learn how wheels and axels work and try out different axle fixings, exploring their various strengths and weaknesses.

Religious Education
During our RE lessons, we will be learning about Christianity and Islam.
We will focus on the following questions:
Which books and stories are special?
How do we celebrate special events?

This term, children will learn about: personal safety, safety in familiar situations and people who help keep them safe outside the home.

During our Science lessons we will be learning about Everyday Materials. We will learn how to  distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. We will also Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock. Children will describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials and compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.


We will use world maps, atlases and globes to name, locate and identify the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

We will also use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and physical features. 




Our First Day in Year One

The children have had a lovely first day back in school. They have been exploring their new classroom environment and learning the routines of the day. During PSHE, we have been naming and discussing our feelings. The children worked together to create some fantastic facial features using the loose part materials.

Immersive Learning Day

We had a brilliant day making passports and tickets. We travelled on a plane and even had an in flight meal. We also made planes out of pegs and wonderful hot air balloons to decorate our classroom. What will we find out in our new topic of "Let's go travelling!"

Maths - Sorting Objects

Today we looked at different objects and sorted them. We sorted some according to colour. We grouped the animals by their name. We were super impressed with the children's ideas and counting.

Science - Materials

In science we have started to learn about different materials and what they are used for. Today we explored which materials can change shape by bending, twisting, squashing and squeezing.

TT Rockstars-

The children all enjoyed dressing up as rock stars. In class we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Art- Spirals

This week the children have been learning how to draw from: their finger tips, wrists, elbows and their shoulders. They all made a drawing using a continuous line for a minute or two.

Maths- Comparing Amounts

This week the children have really enjoyed learning how to use the correct symbols for: greater than, less than and equal to.

Science - Materials

We built the 3 little pigs houses with paper straws, wooden lollipop sticks and lego bricks. We all thought that the lego brick house would be the strongest but were surprised at how many puffs it took to blow the paper straw and the wooden house down! We made a bar chart to show our results.


We are starting a new unit of writing. The children imagined what they would do and where they would go if they were a train driver. We all worked hard to imagine and use exciting vocabulary.

Science - Materials

In science we looked at different materials and thought about how we could group them. We used our sense of touch to group each material.

Science - Autumn

Today we went on a hunt to find signs of Autumn. We found lots of leaves that were changing colour to red, green and brown. Lots of leaves had already fallen on to the ground. We talked about how the days are shorter and today was cooler and we needed our coats.

English - Instructions

In English ,we are learning the features of instructions and how to write instructions. Today we made a boat so that we could write instructions for someone else to make a boat. Look at our fabulous boats!

Travel Workshop

We had a wonderful day travelling through time learning how transport has changed. We were Roman Chariots, Viking invaders and train drivers to name a few.

English - Instructions

In preparation for for our independent writing we made a rocket!

DT - Moving Vehicles

We designed, made and evaluated moving vehicles in our DT lessons.