Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

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Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2023-2024  »  Year 1

Our Summer topic is 'Fire Fire!'. The Children will learn how The Great Fire of London started and why it spread so quickly. They will learn about Samuel Pepys who kept a diary at the time. The children will compare how houses have changed because of the fire.


During our maths lessons, we will focus on multiplication and division and place value within 100. The children will also be introduced to fractions (half and quarter).

Art and Design
This term we will introduce the children will continue to use their sketch books and follow the topic 'Playful Making'. The children will be introduced to sculpture making and create their own boat to 'escape' The Great Fire. 

Design and Technology
The children will use a variety of materials to design, make and evaluate a Tudor house. 


Religious Education
During our RE lessons, we will be following the topic 'Who brought messages about God and what did they say?'
The unit will investigate:

  • The beliefs and practices of religions and other world views.
  • How religions and other world views address questions of meaning, purpose and value.
  • How religions and other world views influence mortality, identity and diversity. 

This term, children will learn about: Careers, financial capability and economic welbeing.

  • Children will learn where money comes from and making choices when spending money.
  • Pupils learn abou saving money and how to keep it safe.
  • Children will learn what different jobs do people do and understadning both men and women are able to do a range of jobs. 

During our Science lessons we will be learning about 'Plants'. Children will learn all the scientific vocabulary surrounding plants and will grown their own plants in the classroom. 


History will link with out Summer Topic 'Fire Fire!' where the children will learn about The Great Fire of London. We will be looking at a timeline of when the fire started and how long it burned for. Children will also learn about the details of The Great Fire and recount events from the past.